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Mapping Maine's Redistribution of Wealth to The Targeted Sector

Each time the Maine legislature concocts a new corporation or city state, it creates a new devise to transfer and concentrate wealth to it’s “targeted sector”.

Back in the 1980’s when Burton Weisbrod wrote the None-profit Economy, there existed three distinct economic sectors, government, private, and non-profit.

Thanks to the innovative talent of our state legislature and their fundamental decision to disregard Article IV, Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State Constitution, we now have an additional economic sector- the burgeoning totalitarian state which merges the three other sectors in a chameleon-like fashion, now- government, then private, non-profit when it wants to be, for profit when that works  to its best advantage- all for the common goal of redistributing the wealth to the “targeted sector”

I have started this page as a way to keep track of how that redistribution of wealth occurs. I believe that there is no central source of information but rather that the redistribution process is distributed over the entire network of quasi public, quasi private, quasi profit, quasi non-profit entities invented by our legislature in such a manner as to conceal the totality of what is occurring. If there are others who would like to contribute to this project, I hope that they will contact me.

Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority Section The MRRA is an example of our legislature’s creative talent in innovating new forms of corporations and government. The concoction known as the Midcoast Regional is chattered at once as a municipal corporation ( see Article VIII. -- Part Second.
Municipal Home Rule).
– and an “instrumentality of the state” ( controlled from the top-down by the state government).

The MRRA is but one tool among many that the legislature has devised to transfer and concentrate wealth into that sector of the economy that the legislature has deemed to be “the creative class” and the “innovative economy”. That sector is the beneficiary of it’s redistribution of wealth process. The “untargeted sector” as deemed by default to the “un-creative class” and “the un-innovative economy” is left to it’s own devises to create its own wealth , resources , and investment capital, if they are to survive. The creation of wealth, resources and investment capital (other than that created by redistributing wealth) is not considered to be “creativity” as defined by our state government.

From the MRRA Annual Report for 2009-2010


Additional information was found at As Maine Goes posted by user pmconusa
MRRA Income Statement

Date Source Purpose Amount
2008 State of Maine Information Tech Grant $4,000
2008 State of Maine DECD $347,000
2008 State of Maine Gov Contingent Acct. $14,500
2008 Dept. of Def. Econ Dev. Plan $85,000
2008 Dept. of Def. Office of Econ. Adj. $1,250,000
Dept. of Defense OEA $2,370,667
State of Maine CDBG Small Cities $231,185
State of Maine Maine Housing Authority $10,000
2009 State of Maine SMCC Improvements $4,750,000
State of Maine Redevelopment $3,250,000
2009 State of Maine Bond Issue HPO539 LD718 $20,000,000
2009 EDA & Maine Tech Inst.Renewable Energy Feasibility $400,000
2010 Topsham Marketing $7,500
2010 Bath Marketing $7,000
2010 Brunswick Matching Grant $5,000
2010 Bamk of America Private Grant $5,000
2010 DECD Via Brunswick State Grant $125,000
2010 Dept Labor, Health & Human Serv.Tech. Training SMCC 425,000
2010 Navy Department Instrument Landing System $1,500,000
2010 FAA Airport Renewal Program $270,000
2010 Town of Brunswick-Grant Appl. Maine Tool & Machine $200,000
2010 Town of Brunswick-Grant Appl. Kestrel Paint Booth $800,000
2011 State of Maine-Tourism Bureau Air Show Publicity $56,000
2011 U. S. Navy Purchase of own land $3,000,000
2011 U. S. Gov. Training $5,000,000
2011 Blackstone Charitable Fdn. ME Ctr. For Econ. Grwth.$3,000,000
Total $47,112,852
Each of the above entries can be verified by accessing the archives at the Times Record.

University of Maine
Charter 1865
 During FY09, the University of Maine System (UMS) received $14.7 million in MEIF funding. That appropriation helped university faculty and students successfully leverage nearly $58 million in grants and contracts. As stipulated in Maine law, the System directs MEIF dollars specifically to support university-based research in designated research areas

 Each year, the University of Maine System is required to report to the Legislature the use of MEIF monies. Included in this section, you will find tables showing the history of state research appropriation for operations, the FY09 summary of state funding for research capital projects for UMaine and USM, and additional financial documents. Read more in Financial Information (Appendices).

A  partnership between the University of Maine System, government, and the private sector.
Maine Economic Improvement Fund 2006 Annual Report  Appendix A pages 30--36

James Madison Fellowship
The University of Maine has a department called Marxist and Socialist Studies and so I was searching to find out what they might have on American Studies or American History. I searched "James Madison" and found that most of the links on the first page were for the James Madison Fellowship

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution. Fellowship applicants compete only against other applicants from the states of their legal residence. Generally, one Fellowship per state is awarded each year.

 College seniors and college graduates who intend to become secondary school teachers of American history, American government, or social studies are eligible for this Fellowship, which carries a maximum stipend of $24,000 for up to two years of graduate study in a program leading to a master’s degree in American history, political science, or education offered by any accredited university in the United States.  Fellowship recipients are required to teach American history, American government, or social studies in grades 7-12 for a minimum of one year for each academic year of graduate assistance they receive.

I searched "curriculum James Madison" at The University of Maine website but found no links that related to any courses that mention James Madison. Most of teh links referred to the James Madison Fellowship or a town by the name of Madison.

I searched " curriculum Karl Marx" and got 24 results. all on the first page were specific references to courses on Karl Marx

I searched  "curriculum Federalist Papers ". There were 24 results but none related to the federalist Papers, There was one result that actually had the word "federalist papers". It is a 2011 study on why teenagers drop out of GED. In a section on what will be included in 2012 GED test its said
"More history, civics, and government; More graphics, photographs;
More clearly defined content in U.S. and world history; More analysis;
Different content areas tested within same item set; More single-item
questions; At least one "practical" document (voters' guide, tax form,
etc.); At least one excerpt from U.S. Constitution, Declaration of
Independence, Federalist Papers, or landmark Supreme Court cases

.the closest is "federalism" and even that is just a word mentioned on a web page.

First Wind
Verrill Dana Legal Services for First Wind  We represent First Wind in the development and permitting of its wind power projects in Maine.  Our Environmental Group has been instrumental in wind power development since its inception in Maine, not only because we represent over 90 percent of the wind power capacity in the State, but because we have shaped the legislation, regulation and judicial precedent that will make it possible for wind energy development to continue to flourish in the future.  

In 2010 First Wind failed an attempt to go public in which this statement was issued"

“our substantial indebtedness [could] make it difficult for us to satisfy our obligations with respect to our indebtedness, and failure to comply with these obligations could result in an event of default under those agreements, which could be difficult to cure, or result in our bankruptcy.”

Wind Project Financing Structures


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