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Showing posts from July, 2013

Communism and State Ownership of Intellectual Property

Tweet This: Government As a Secret Society The response to my informal suggestion that public accessibility to government could be improved by making information available in a searchable data base ( see previous post) subjectively confirmed that the  functioning power elite of Maine's economic development programs and policies are both intentional in instituting a political ideology that supersedes the will of the people, as expressed in the Maine State Constitution, and deceptive towards the general public. 1.Information made available on an agency website but not in a searchable database format may not provide the research and investigative tool needed by the public. The Freedom of Access Act does not require that public information be posted online in any particular format, just that public records be made available. While there is a strong argument for increasing the accessibility and usefulness of information, there is no current...

The Growth of State Capitalism Via State Incubators in the USA

TWEET THIS Earnings on Investments: the Maine Micro-enterprise Initiative A few posts I ago I wrote about the Maine Micro enterprise Initiative , a state program that distributes funds to non-profit organizations to train micro-enterprise employees. Upon reading said statute, the question arose as to whether the funds granted to a non profit organization, previously written about here , were appropriated through the micro enterprise initiative. In search of an answer I submitted this Freedom Of Access Request to Mr Douglas Ray, the legislative liaison for the Maine department of Economic and Community Development: Subject: Freedom Of Access Request RE:§13063-O. Micro enterprise initiative fund program review I am formally requesting a copy of all the records kept pursuant to §13063-O. Micro enterprise initiative fund program review  The department shall submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction ov...

Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries

Andersen Studio has a new and simpler idea for a KickStarter project which integrates beautifully with our vision for A great American ceramic Designer craftsmen Netowrk but we need marketing consultant wizards on our team who specialize in promoting crowd funding projects.

Free China

I don't usually promote causes here but this one is so important and the music truly beautiful. Just released on our Independence Day, July 4th. The cause is a free China so important to the free world every where where ever it is.