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Showing posts from August, 2019

Why All Towns in Maine Need a Town Charter NOW!

"oppressant"   by  Pierre Metivier  is licensed under  CC BY-NC 2.0  RE: Commentary on Ordinances, According to Maine law. the only power that the inhabitants of a municipality are granted pursuant to the development of the municipality is that "they shall have a voice", which means public hearings or that one can submit comments to the municipality; but it stops there, as you shall learn by reading on. In the course of exploring the statutes and ordinances, I came across a section which said written comments would become part of the record. This is a slightly expanded upon version of what I submitted for the record: Inhabitants of the Municipality given a voice but excluded from power  Title 30-A:Part 2:Subpart 6-AChapter 187 §4324 of the Maine Revised Statutes2. Planning committee.   If a municipality or multimunicipal region chooses to prepare a growth management program, the municipal officers of a municipality or combinati...