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Showing posts from October, 2020

Angus King’s Disingenuous Argument Against Originalism

  Portrait of John Jay Gilbert Stuart, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Angus King is my Senator and former Governor of Maine. When Angus King was Governor many laws that I interpret to be unconstitutional, pursuant to the Maine Constitution. were enacted. In particular Article IV Part Three Section 14 of the Maine Constitution was routinely violated under the administration of Angus King. It says this: CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MAINE Article IV. Part Third. Legislative Power. Section 14. Corporations, formed under general laws. Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State. This section of the Maine Constitution which governs the powers of the Legislature, has been routinely violated many times over since 1976 when th...

Are United States and Chinese Economic Policies Just the Same?

 A comment on the public policy of centralized economic development meeting-between-the-united-states-and-china-on-trade-(public domain) I just spent several weeks navigating the SBIR.STTR grant support system as an uninvited outsider, which is to say as one deemed at the outset not qualified for support. The general assumption appears to be that the applicant will accept the adjudication from the first support organization approached and be done with it. I, however, decided to proceed to see if I could find an open door where I could apply on my own. Eventually through persistence I returned to my original starting point and this time passed through the door to have confirmed what I had already concluded. Along the way I found a place where a public comment on policy can be submitted. Whether the commentary actually gets to anyone of significance, is not known but the following is written with such a purpose in mind. This commentary is on the practicing policy of SBIR STTR grants...