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Showing posts with the label Alan Hinsey

The Growth of State Capitalism Via State Incubators in the USA

TWEET THIS Earnings on Investments: the Maine Micro-enterprise Initiative A few posts I ago I wrote about the Maine Micro enterprise Initiative , a state program that distributes funds to non-profit organizations to train micro-enterprise employees. Upon reading said statute, the question arose as to whether the funds granted to a non profit organization, previously written about here , were appropriated through the micro enterprise initiative. In search of an answer I submitted this Freedom Of Access Request to Mr Douglas Ray, the legislative liaison for the Maine department of Economic and Community Development: Subject: Freedom Of Access Request RE:§13063-O. Micro enterprise initiative fund program review I am formally requesting a copy of all the records kept pursuant to §13063-O. Micro enterprise initiative fund program review  The department shall submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction ov...

The Creative Economy- Behind The Optics

My next contact with the “creative economy”, was with AlanHinsey , who was then a key mover and shaker at The MidCoast Magnet . Around that time I was reading two books, one titled Free Agent Nation *by Daniel H Pink and the other The Non- Profit Economy by Burton A Weisbrod ** Free Agent Nation described the economy that I recognized from my every day perspective- the micro economy made up of small business owners such as are located in small town communities like the Boothbay Peninsula. Free Agent Nation described an America of independent individualistic free agents, preferring to run their own businesses rather than to be company men in gray flannel suits. To my daily perspective, this seemed like a true portrait of America. The Non-Profit Economy by Burton Weisbrod, written in the 1980’s, described an over all economy made up of three separate and distinct sectors- the private sector, the government sector –and the non-profit sector. Each sector, in theory, served a fun...