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Showing posts with the label Baldacci

Juice Conference Part Three- And The Winner Is.....!

TWEET THIS Part Three -  Continuing the Story:  My Experience at the 2009 Juice Conference Part One   Part Two Since I did not attend the ballet, I had to ask to find out my status, Once I learned that I had not made it to the semi-finals, I decided to stick around and find out who did.  I looked around the room and noticed a few people wearing badges that said "Art Creates Jobs' Total naivety, I thought, the power elite of Maine is not interested in the small number of jobs that art creates - the Baldacci administration was using artists in service of the gentrification of Maine's towns and cities following social engineer, Richard Florida's "creativity" template.. The cities and towns must present a culturally stimulating face in order to attract the "creative class"- code for the wealthy. In the plans of the corporate state the artists are just the bait used to c...

The Mystery Of TideSmart Global Stimulus Funding and the Vanishing Media Coverage

Tweet This ! A while back in the post Maine State Enterprises VS The MicroEconomy , I introduced gubernatorial hopeful Steve Woods, and his advocacy for relocating the inhabitants of 108 Maine towns to urban centers. Mr Woods reasoned that the 108 towns were not contributing their fair share to Maine's economy. As reported recently in the news, China also has a rural relocation plan to ultimately relocate 450 million rural inhabitants to urban centers. China is buying the co-operation of the inhabitants with a free apartments and money, where as Mt Woods is advocating that the inhabitants should be more or less starved our of their homes by depriving said communities of state funds for infrastructure and transportation to remote areas. I illustrated the disconnect of Mr Wood's selective statistics by pointing our that most of the stimulus funding had gone to urban centers in Southern Maine with Augusta getting about 38% of the take- enabling August...