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Showing posts with the label Camoin Associates Report

The Excluded Micro Economy in the Boothbay Region and Beyond

Two recent news stories in the Boothbay Register provide an oveview of what is going on in economic development in Boothbay. On October 4, 2018, in the article titled,  JEDC future hinges on filling vacant co-chair seat , Joseph Charpentier reported that the JECD, after spending 79000 to hire New York consultants to create an economic development master plan  for the entire peninsula, is in decline. The JECD doesn't know how to implement the plan produced for the JECD by the New York consultants, Camoin Associates. The JECD has expended its welcome to use taxpayer pockets to fund its agenda. and the Boothbay co-chair is currently an unfilled position of the public-private development group. The second story, CEO’s action makes for smooth sailing for new Boothbay business , by Bill Pearson, is about the rescue by Code Enforcement Officer Jason Lorrain of a small manufacturer from a major setback at the hands of the Boothbay selectmen. Recently a local artist pur...