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Showing posts with the label Camoin Assoiates

Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor Discuss Region Master Plan

In a recent story, by Boothbay Register journalist, Joseph Charpentier, titled  JEDC broadens discussion on master plan , Wendy Wolf, co-chair of the JECD is reported as describing the discussion as "as a long overdue, interesting discussion on economic development and where the two towns stand on it:" As always, first on the agenda are financial matters of great concern to the JECD. It is mentioned that representatives of Southport and Edgecomb sit in on the meetings, hinting with an uncharacteristic subtlety that Southport and Edgecomb ought to be paying the JECD for their services, which consists of holding interesting discussions and hiring consultants and promoting Boothbay Harbor as a "Festival of Lights" in conjunction with the lighting event at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. Last year the taxpayers of Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor paid $79000.00 to the JECD which bought  a regional report produced by Camoin Associates . The interesting discussion makes...