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Showing posts with the label Finance Authority of maine

The Blessings of Liberty

At times, when reading a statute one finds instructions to interpret the statute strictly or liberally. Instructions found in the statute chartering the FAME corporation (Finance Authority of Maine) are of another sort all together, falling into the category of a justification, as opposed to clarification of how the law is to be interpreted These instructions tells us that "Any benefits accruing to private individuals or associations, as a result of the activities of the authority, are deemed by the Legislature to be incidental to the public purposes to be achieved by the implementation of this chapter. [1985, c. 344, §5 (AMD).]" FAME is the state corporation whose function is to concentrate and redistribute capital. Even if publicly acquired capital is redistributed to a corporation hiring 1000 or more employees that is but a very small segment of the public, but none the less a segment of the populous which directly benefits from FAME's redistribution of public weal...

Why Maine Should Say NO to Bonds!

TWEET THIS: Bonds are one of the ways that the Corporation of Maine finances its perpetual expansion and dominance over the free enterprise system. As the corporation of Maine concentrates the bulk of available capital in Maine under its own control, it drives the collective socio-economic culture of Maine in the direction determined by a class of overlords- some elected (the legislature and administration) and some not (the tzars and private partners in "public-private relationships). Governor Lepage's recent comment that "$100,000.00 a year income is not that wealthy" reflects the age old character of those in pursuit of wealth for wealth's sake, it is never enough- the goal is perpetually moved- one can never reach it because there is always someone wealthier until one gets to the level of the George Soros's of the world , a man on record of saying it is fun to use his wealth to destroy nations. This attitude is also present of the...

Communism and State Ownership of Intellectual Property

Tweet This: Government As a Secret Society The response to my informal suggestion that public accessibility to government could be improved by making information available in a searchable data base ( see previous post) subjectively confirmed that the  functioning power elite of Maine's economic development programs and policies are both intentional in instituting a political ideology that supersedes the will of the people, as expressed in the Maine State Constitution, and deceptive towards the general public. 1.Information made available on an agency website but not in a searchable database format may not provide the research and investigative tool needed by the public. The Freedom of Access Act does not require that public information be posted online in any particular format, just that public records be made available. While there is a strong argument for increasing the accessibility and usefulness of information, there is no current...