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Showing posts with the label Financial Authority of Maine

What’s Wrong with Democratic Socialism ?

Originally written for Medium Democratic Socialism has existed in the US longer than you may know. Cloudvisual-co-uk-unsplash (1) If one understands Democratic Socialism as a centrally managed wealth redistribution economy, the USA has been a Democratic Socialist society since at least the 1960's. In 1964 the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was enacted by the federal government, promoted as an program to combat poverty. In 1965 The National Endowment for the Arts was enacted. This was followed by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968 , a design to centrally coordinate every unit of government, from the federal to the local, using government grants (wealth redistribution) as its instrument. The transition that begins with creating a policy to improve the lives of the most distressed takes only four years to “mobilize human and financial resources” in service of a full blown top-down economy using grants to influence or control the economic developme...

Is Maine's Industrial Partnerships Act based on the Scandinavian Model?

Camoin Associates used Esri data compilation softwar e to produce a master plan for the Boothbay Peninsula .The software allows one to run reports for a designated radius of any address  I tried it out for our business, but found hat it doesn't have data relevant to our field. One report. called "tapestries" categorizes demographic segments, but if you believed their segments to reflect reality, the only thing people buy in today's world are electronics. The truth is more likely that the electronics market is the only data compiled. I soon became bored with reading the homogenized descriptions of different classes of people. I have heard it said that recorded history is selective, limited by the stories historians elect to tell while true history encompasses the whole spectrum of generational cultural interactions. The Camoin Report was created by running reports with the Esri data compiler and that is its limitation. Neither the Esri data, nor the Camoin Repo...

Think Globally Act Locally Or How the World Government Is Being Advanced With a Little Help from their Friends- The Maine Legislature!

Marco Rubio really gets it.  ( this post will likely be rewritten and expanded upon later, with links added)  Think Globally- Act Locally- that has been the purpose of the Maine DECD since it was established in 1987 with this statement in its findings: §13051. Legislative findings (DECD) The Legislature finds that the State's economy is linked to the national and international economies. Economic changes and disruptions around the world and in the nation have a significant impact upon the State's economy. The rise of 3rd-world and 4th-world countries as manufacturers of commodities for mass markets and the gradual evolution of the national economy to a technological, informational, specialty product-based economy have significantly affected the State and its communities. [RR 2013, c. 2, §5 (COR).] The DECD is the planning board for the FAME Corporation (Financial Authority of Maine) - a corporation chartered by special act of Legislation, in violation of Article IV Part...