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Showing posts with the label George Soros

Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty

Tweet This! I have recently been in a Facebook conversation with Ray Richardson in which LePage's desire to change the Maine Constitution so that the Secretary of State and Treasurer are under the administration rather than being positions appointed by two thirds of the legislature came up. Mr Richard said this is a conversation we need to have, to which I responded  that if we have a conversation about the Maine Constitution, he and Governor Lepage should not expect that conversation to be limited to talking points which they decide. I ususally find it irritating when politicians announce that "this is a conversation we need to have !" in which the conversation is to focus on a small subset of ideas. I myself am engaging in a conversation we need to have by writing this blog This video outlines a comprehensive framework to the conversation we need to have, The panel is of opposing views, one being George Soros who displays his expertise in ...

Foukara's Hope and Change Speech at the General Knox Museum

TWEET THIS: I recently listened to the Maine Public Radio’s broadcast of Foukara , the Washington Bureau Chief of Al Jazeera’s speech at The General Henry Knox Museum. During the introduction moderator Matt Dafour thanked Act For America for transforming the anticipated low attendance for the Foukara speech to a sold out event. Dafour then goes for a cheap laugh by recommending that The General Henry Knox Museum seek another speaker that Act For America will disapprove next year- begging the question as to why The General Henry Knox Museum does not simply invite someone from Act For America to speak next year? To answer this question one needs only examine the list of previous honorees who all share a common identification with the left wing of the American political media. The “open minded” board of the museum is not so open minded as to give a pulpit or an honor to American conservatism, although conservatives are grounded in the intent to preserve ...