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Showing posts with the label Governor Longley

Governor Longley & The Architects of Transformation

CHAPTER THREE OF PUBLIC PRIVATE RELATIONSHIPS & THE NEW OWNERS OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION   GOVERNOR LONGLEY AND THE ARCHITECTS OF TRANSFORMATION In 1969 the Home Rule Amendment was added to the Maine Constitution. It provides to the inhabitants of the municipality, authority to amend the municipal charter and to run public referendums for economic development purposes. Maine Constitution Municipal Home Rule Section 1. Power of municipalities to amend their charters. The inhabitants of any municipality shall have the power to alter and amend their charters on all matters, not prohibited by Constitution or general law, which are local and municipal in character. The Legislature shall prescribe the procedure by which the municipality may so act. Section 2. Construction of buildings for industrial use. For the purposes of fostering, encouraging and assisting the physical location, settlement and resettlement of industrial and manufacturing enterprises w...

Fascism (State Corporatism) Parsed in Kinder Gentler Terms

Tweet This ! This is a post I wrote  for a disussion on The Lepage Tax Plan The Maine Citizen  Woodcanoe- the whole plan to me looks like an attack on local sovereignty. Lorring and MRRA have none- the "middleman" (local government) has been eliminated for those two towns. Ever since The corporate state was established under Governor Longley as the first corporation The Maine Development Foundation, every administration has embraced the corporate state- it allows them to be business developers but business developers are not representatives of the public- they serve business interests only, which the legislature spins as "for the public benefit" which applies to the legislaure's targeted sector only, apparently businesses not in the targeted sector do not serve the public benefit. The state corporations are frequently named as business development corporations- including MRRA and Lorring and the DECD corporation. - Wha...