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Showing posts with the label Lorring development Center

Taxation Without Representation: The Will To Secede - Rural Caribou Maine From Urban Caribou

Tweet This Crowdfunder Update : I have committed to the  iuniversal program  with a down payment, which I am feeling very good about I continue to run this crowdfunder to cover the cost of the iuniversal program at a discounted rate of 50%. If I succeed in meeting my crowdfunding goal of $800.00 then I will be elegable to become an author on  Beacon Reader , which has a unique program for funding journalists on an ongoing basis- I have no idea how much but something beats nothing and it will connect me to a wider community. Please help me to break the long trend of no response by making a contribution- it can be any amount.The Twenty five dollars is just a suggested amount. The context of my book will attempt to paint a portrait of what is taking place among the States of the United States.I do not expect to be able to cover every state but will follow the leads where ever it takes me, in this case to Rhode Island...