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Showing posts with the label Maine a leader in Communism in the USA

Shifting Focus but a New Maine Constitution Movement Entering the Picture

With The exception of one, I can garner no public interest in downloading the time line I have created which documents the statutory transformation of Maine into a Communist State. However there is now a new interest in the Maine Constitution. I am working on trying to get the organizers of this symposium to take an interest in the work I have done- but as of now no success on that score yet. Since I am unable to find a means of generating a cash flow from this blog, I will be pulling back on energy devoted here as I need to focus on my own business- which is how I became involved with this research to begin with- so do not be surprised to see future posts in which my own business journey is woven into the subject matter of this blog. That way I can justify the time and energy spent here in. PRESS RELEASE June 6, 2014 History Making Symposium The Maine Constitution has been mangled! A panel of researchers from the Maine Constitution Coalition will break new ground in this histo...