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Showing posts with the label Maine department of Economic and Community Development

Communism and State Ownership of Intellectual Property

Tweet This: Government As a Secret Society The response to my informal suggestion that public accessibility to government could be improved by making information available in a searchable data base ( see previous post) subjectively confirmed that the  functioning power elite of Maine's economic development programs and policies are both intentional in instituting a political ideology that supersedes the will of the people, as expressed in the Maine State Constitution, and deceptive towards the general public. 1.Information made available on an agency website but not in a searchable database format may not provide the research and investigative tool needed by the public. The Freedom of Access Act does not require that public information be posted online in any particular format, just that public records be made available. While there is a strong argument for increasing the accessibility and usefulness of information, there is no current...

The DECD and the Micro-economy

TWEET THIS The next section of the DECD statute is called  Article 2-B: MAINE MICROENTERPRISE INITIATIVE . It appears to be a devise designed to give the appearance of support for the micro economy- in name only - since the redistributed wealth will be granted to a non-profit organization. In the context of the rest of this statute, including the section on encouraging globalization through the foreign trade zone and another that excludes of the retail sector from benefits distributed by the tax payer funded Department of Community and Economic Development, this section comes across as barely concealed disdain held by the authors of the DECD statute toward the micro economic sector. Here we have the DECD generously offering to help the micro economy to train their staffs by giving money directly to non-profit organizations. What did the lawmakers who wrote the DECD statute  imagine the micro economy to be ? A collective component of the econ...

Globalization and The Maine Department of Economic And Community Development

TWEET with this short link Introduction of a Theme: The Global Investment Community Threatened by The Small Craft Maker. A while back I had the thought that a factory worker in a low wage labor market could make as much with one sale on Etsy as he or she could working for a month in a factory. My next thought was that political forces in those countries would apply pressure to keep people from opening an Etsy Shop. I now believe that such political pressure exists everywhere as governments become entrenched in economic “globalism”. It may sound fantastic that governments and global capitalists are threatened by small craft enterprises, but the value systems and what benefits each are at odds with those of other. In this video, The Voices of the  Chinese Workers by leslie T Chang - a well dressed, Harvard educated, young Asian woman presents herself as the voice of the Chinese workers. Instead she comes across as a corporate shill advancing the concept that...