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Showing posts with the label Municipal Home Rule

Home Rule VS Dillon's Law

TO BE OR NOT TO BE SOVEREIGN Sample of the book, Public Private Relationships and The New Owners of the Means of Production,, from the chapter To Be or Not To Be Sovereign. To read more and to find out which Maine towns have been made indentured to a corporation by the Maine Legislature purchase the downloadable manuscript in the side bar on the right. In 19 93 The Main e Legislature chartered its first Maine town that would be governed as an “instrumentality of the state” The t own was given the name, The Loring Development Authority. It occupied a former military base which had lost 1000 jobs. Why let a crisis go to waste? A chance to implement a new political system! The story of the Loring Naval Base, The Cutler Navy Base and the Brunswick Navy Base are another chapter in the saga of what happens to when The United States withdraws its' military presence and a void is created into which hostile forces move. The United States Navy was p...

A Credit Due to The Bangor Daily News

Tweet This In fairness to the Maine media which I have been recently been calling out for their suppression of free speech. I have to give credit to the Bangor Daily News which is currently allowing and interesting debate to continue on. The article is  Investments a better way to economic development than tax cuts   By Victoria Mayer, Special to the BDN Posted  March 15, 2015,  at  10:43 a.m. When I entered the discussion, I anticipated that my post would be blocked and therefore I made no effort to hold myself back when I posted this: She is on the right track in returning economic development to the local level as we see in the two city states of Maine thriving on the large haul they receive in taxpayer revenue coming from Maine and United States taxpayers and all of it invested within their own municipal boundaries- but these are state courts with streets flowing with revenue coming directly out of taxpay...

Title 30-A of the Maine Statutes Governing Municpalities and Counties

Title 30-A is likely the statute that describes the process whereby the inhabitants of the municipality can amend their charter. I haven't had time to examine this closely yet. Title 30-A states that the voters can petition the officers but in the cases of the MRRA and Loring - chartered as municipal corporations ( local governance) that are "instrumentalites of the state( governed by and for the purposes of state government) . the legislature provided that the local government would be governed by an unelected board appointed by the state. At first glance these would be "the officers" but it requires more than a first glance to figure out the truth. A municipal corporations serving as an "instrumentality of the state" is itself a contradiction in terms, while the legislature is prohibited by Article IV Part Third, Section 14 of the Maine State constitution  from chartering corporations by special act of legislation to serve state purposes- the over use ...