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Showing posts with the label Pine Tree Zone

We Can Spend Your Money Because We Know What's Good For You

Tweet This ! Maine House speaker pushes job training legislation The 'Put ME to Work' bill would create new funding to help connect students with jobs in high-demand industries. article in Portland Press Herald by Steve Mistler AUGUSTA — House Speaker Mark Eves is backing a bill designed to invest $5 million over the next five years in job training programs that create public-private partnerships to develop a trained workforce in high-demand fields such as logging, health care and machining. In the latest plan being put forth by the board of the Maine Development Corporation, (The Maine legislature) there is a significant change in language. The qualifier for the sector of the economy targeted for subsidization has changed from the sector of the economy providing " above average income" to the sector of the economy which is "highly compensated" In a  2007  tax policy publication put out by the Maine Development Foundation (C...

Juxtapositions of Fragments From The Whole - Food For Thought!

The purpose of The Time Line is to put the parts into the context of the whole That's when an intentionalism starts to seem very apparent: - with that thought in mind I am juxtaposing some of the interconnected fragments of the whole: From The Time Line   DOWNLOAD HERE                                                                                                           **************************

Is This For Real? Is Maine Ready to Scale Back Targeted Sector Economics?

I have been busy lately with our ceramics business and with some new ideas for expanding the mission of this blog, however a very important change in our legislature's tax policies is now under consideration making this a moment when it is exceptionally important to  keep the conversation going ! I have not located the actual proposals yet, mysteriously, all the links in this Portland PressHerald article are non-functioning but here is the story from the Herald by Steve Mistler, of all people! Maine tax panel will release suggestions for savings Monday  The Legislature has attempted similar reviews in the past with little success. However, this time some believed that the self-inflicted budget gap would provide an incentive for lawmakers to push through recommendations that have been traditionally politically unpopular. Additionally, the budget provision is written in a way that would take the $40 million out of the state fund that provides municipal aid if th...

Pine Tree Watch Dog Goes Half Way in Reporting The Untold Story Of Maine State Inc.

  This is a very Informative article about what I call Maine State Inc published by Pine Tree Watchdog in February of 2012: Tax break deals studied … and studied, but questions remain unresolved Quote: What does that cost? How about $602,181,397 from 2003 to 2005 . On an annual basis, that’s about the size of the hole in the state budget that Gov. Paul LePage and the legislature have spent the last few months trying to fill. And those numbers, which come from a 2006 study by the stateOffice of Program Evaluation & Government Accountability (OPEGA) , don’t include the administrative costs. That adds another $22 million , according to OPEGA. While this article openly states that the programs allows fraud to go undetected and admits that its losers are the taxpayers, its also reports the justifications that are used to perpetuate these programs without presenting an alternative view.   For instance there is this: Another skeptic has been Peter...

MRRA and Tempus Jets Drain More Money From The TaxPayers Via The Pine Tree Zone.

Recently Maine's newest city state, The Midcoast Regional Development Authority , announced its latest win in the national competition among the states to procure corporate job growth via innovative systems of bribery designed to redistribute wealth created by the general public into the hands of private corporations. The prize is Tempus Jets , an aviation company servicing the needs and desires of the private jet owing community. The aviation industry is a well chosen target of the Paul Le Page administration, serving an additional goal of attracting a wealthy upper class to Maine, a class which Maine's ruling class aims to grow, as laid out in the " Creative Economy" template of professional overlord Richard Florida , the social engineering guru followed by Maine's former Governor, John Baldacci. Richard Florida designates this class as "the creative class", of which wealth is a definitive criteria. Tempus Jets was procured for Maine via Pine Tree Z...