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Showing posts with the label Saul Alinsky

Headline Politics - A Device For Disinformation Distribution

 Tweet This According to Bill O'Reilly, a lot of people get their news strictly from the internet. I do not know how true that is and to what degree but I remember being told by a personal acquaintance, supposedly an informed acquaintance, a number of years ago that he and his wife only get their news on the internet. This is a frightening thought after observing a few more days of headlines used to distribute disinformation across the internet. The headlines I speak of, make a statement which is a liberally construed interpretation rather than an accurate reporting of news but the headline- all by itself-  is taken as news- true news . To date all of the responders, with an exception of this author, accept the headline as true with no evidence of having read the article to find out anything further about the claim. Here is one such typical headline The article is about H.R. 237, a bill written by Congress in response to the new...

Next ! - The Long Overdue Benghazigate Investigation

As anyone who follows this blog knows, I usually write about Maine "economic development" legislation but today justifies a departure from the norm. The election of Barack Obama and Angus King and the same balance of powers in Congress that has resulted in two year grid lock is stunning and discouraging, but still only a battle lost in a larger fight to preserve the American political philosophy. The media played an essential role in the entrenching the current political elite, a role even more shocking than in the first Obama election. I am referring to the media cover up of Benghazigate, with the notable exception for Fox news which maintains a constant focus on the unraveling of the truth of what occurred in Benghazi on the night of September 11, 2012. Unwittingly, the American pravda media and the Washington power elite may have handed the proponents of the American political philosophy a potential long awaited victory. Without the delayed telling of the truth about t...