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Showing posts with the label Silent Government take over

New! Mini Time lines of Incrementalism Added to Timeline Exposing Stautory Transformation Of Maine

My Time Line is a fund raising flop- apparently too far off the grid to generate public interest, although people like and share the promos- only one downloaded the timeline to date -which is designed to make the hidden whole visible. Maine State Inc officially exists but without a name. It officially exists as a vast network of state corporations which is progressively transferring power and public wealth into its own hands. And so I continue to update Time Line. I have added dates to chapter titles and today I added  Mini Timelines of Incrementalism to the menu items. I added Mini Time Line Of Incremental-ism:State Control over Education & Publicly Funded Workforce today- which is can be much longer but for now this suffices. If you want the links- your will need to download the Time Line!! (Low and behold I am now having difficulties inserting images on blogger- so here it I sin text form) 1977 Legislature deems centrally managing economy to be a new “essential