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Showing posts with the label The maine Development Foundation

Fascism (State Corporatism) Parsed in Kinder Gentler Terms

Tweet This ! This is a post I wrote  for a disussion on The Lepage Tax Plan The Maine Citizen  Woodcanoe- the whole plan to me looks like an attack on local sovereignty. Lorring and MRRA have none- the "middleman" (local government) has been eliminated for those two towns. Ever since The corporate state was established under Governor Longley as the first corporation The Maine Development Foundation, every administration has embraced the corporate state- it allows them to be business developers but business developers are not representatives of the public- they serve business interests only, which the legislature spins as "for the public benefit" which applies to the legislaure's targeted sector only, apparently businesses not in the targeted sector do not serve the public benefit. The state corporations are frequently named as business development corporations- including MRRA and Lorring and the DECD corporation. - Wha...

The Maine Deveopment Foundation - Laying the Foundation for the Corporate State

               Tweet This The charter for the Maine Development Foundation , from which the quotes in this post were taken.- Signed into law by Governor Longley- A former democrat who ran as an Independent This is a list I maintain of legislative related links and "economic development" statutes, the most of which have come about as a result of the codification of said government function in the charter for the Maine Development Foundation. When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country's founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from ...