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Showing posts with the label Title 10 Chapter 107: MAINE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION; MAINE ECONOMIC GROWTH COUNCIL

The Maine Economic Development Foundation

As I started out to tell the story of how I became involved in researching Maine's economic development legislation,on the Page titled , The Turning Point , I was stalled by trying to locate the legislation that created The Maine Economic Development Foundation , which is to be found all over the "innovative economy", often stating that it was created by the legislature but falling short of providing a link to that legislation. I contacted Elaine Apostola, Reference Librarian, at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library. Elaine provided a PDF file of the original text. I then searched for the statute online, was unable to find it with the information that I had and so wrote to Elaine again and she provided. This a link to the statute as it is written today The first thing that attracts attention is that the original purpose Title 10, Chapter 107: §917 is REPEALED , with no further information about what the original purpose stated, and replaced with Titl...