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Showing posts with the label checks and balances

Rule Changes Proposed by Lepage Threaten Private Property Rights in Maine

Tweet This ! An article in the Bangor Daily News discusses Governor Le Page's ambition to strip the Attorney General of authority over state agency rule making processes: LePage bill would void attorney general’s authority over new rules By  Mario Moretto  Bangor Daily News AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage has drafted a bill to strip the attorney general of authority over the rulemaking process used by state agencies to implement laws approved by the Legislature. LePage has criticized judgments by Attorney General Janet Mills that some regulations he wanted were illegal. Rather than accept his lawyer’s legal advice, the governor would eliminate the requirement that she sign off on new state agency rules. ........ The bill represents the latest salvo in  a long battle between LePage, a Republican, and Mills, a Democrat . Currently, the AG must approve the “form and legality” of any state agency’s new rule or regulation, but the bill ...