I am not a professional journalist or researcher. I work independently as an avocation rather than a vocation in part because I feel that allows me to retain my freedom in expressing what I have to say. For instance "incentives" and "bribes" mean the same thing in the way that they are being implemented by the state but If I were employed by another organization I might be encouraged to use the word "incentive" instead of "bribe", but to my point of view "bribe" is closer to the truth than "incentive" which rings as though there were a fair exchange involved. In the case of usage by Maine State Inc- there is no fair exchange involved. The only thing the taxpayers are getting in exchange for the transference of their hard earned dollars is rhetoric about job creation but if the article in Bangor Daily News by the Center for Public Interest Reporting points out anything, it points out that there is no evidence that jobs are be...
Examining the Fundamental transformation of the American political system that originated in the political philosophy preserved by Publius in The Federalist Papers. This blog was originally published as Main Street Economy and focused on legislation passed in the state of Maine "inspired" by similar laws passed by other states which collectively constitutes a fundamental transformation of the American political philosophy within state incubators.