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Showing posts with the label corporate income tax

The Lepage Plan- Filled with Inconsistencies

Tweet This In recent weeks we have been hearing that LePage wants to eliminate the income tax. My initial response was I'll believe it when I see it . During his tenure, LePage has agressively advanced corporate welfare, which our legislature and administration justify via the means of an income tax on labor. The state of Maine, being in fact today the corporation of Maine, and run in the interests of profit would not be able to justify the massive tax payer give-a-ways to capitalists without claimimg such a policy is profitable because it produces a high end labor tax base which brings in the revenue. So when LePage floats the concept that he wants to eliminate the income tax, I say that even if that were actually Lepage's intent it is highly improbable that it can ever happen without first deconstructing the corporate state and its ever expanding corporate welfare system. To start with expanding the instances in which sales tax will be collected is e...

New Hampshire Shows True Economics Innovation -The Business Flat Tax !

TWEET THIS USING THIS SHORT LINK I asked members of the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance where NH gets its revenue. I knew that property taxes are high in NH but property tax is a municipal tax and does not explain how the state gets revenue to operate. Someone said the state owned liquor business but others felt that the revenue from that operation was not that much. Others said that NH has a corporation tax. I went to check out the NH web site and found this innovative tax reform idea coming out of New Hampshire. Maine cannot use such an approach because Maine uses special interest economics in which the state corporation works for the interests of it's targeted sector- defined as Jobs providing above average incomes ( the top half of the median household income-which divides the economy into two parts) Not only that but it is the policy of Maine's centrally managed economy to tax the workers but to tax-exempt the owners of production. New Hamps...