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Showing posts with the label corporate opacity

When the General Welfare Meets The Corporate State in the Halls of Augusta- It's No Contest!

Click on Me! TWEET ME : In my last post I distinguished Bond Question #6 in support of clean water and public safety, (what ever that entails). I distinguished it as being the only bond that is not destined to underwrite the operations of the unconstitutional corporate state, functions which examined with any level of scrutiny are revealed to be codified in a statutory design of highly manipulative intent, serving the interests of private capitalists and using the public as the pawns in the game. One need only observe that the name of last year's extension of the Seed Capital Tax Credit is called the "Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit" as evidence of my opinion. The ONLY perspective from which the Seed Capital Tax Credit can said to have been expanded or improved is from that of the private investors and new class of owners of the means of production whom are the beneficiaries of this bill. For the general Maine taxpayer, this bi...