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Showing posts with the label job creation

A Credit Due to The Bangor Daily News

Tweet This In fairness to the Maine media which I have been recently been calling out for their suppression of free speech. I have to give credit to the Bangor Daily News which is currently allowing and interesting debate to continue on. The article is  Investments a better way to economic development than tax cuts   By Victoria Mayer, Special to the BDN Posted  March 15, 2015,  at  10:43 a.m. When I entered the discussion, I anticipated that my post would be blocked and therefore I made no effort to hold myself back when I posted this: She is on the right track in returning economic development to the local level as we see in the two city states of Maine thriving on the large haul they receive in taxpayer revenue coming from Maine and United States taxpayers and all of it invested within their own municipal boundaries- but these are state courts with streets flowing with revenue coming directly out of taxpayer pockets and so they will n

RE Scott Lansley's article in the Sun Journal- Dig A Little Deeper!

The latest in my letter writing binge !  Dear Mr. Lansley, I read your article in the Sun Journal , It may hurt, but it's time to suck it up and deal. As suggested, I am sending you my own thoughts on the matter, and I am not going to mince my words. Since you are a former member of the legislature, you may have helped to create what I see as the source of Maine's economic problems, which is it's government manipulated economy, which has grown to the scale of a full fledged corporate state without anybody saying BOO about it, despite the blatant unconstitutionality of the current entrenched economic system. This system has been constructed by the legislature over the course of at least thirty years. It is designed to "benefit " the "targeted sector"- those businesses that will fulfill the ideological vision of a small elite sector of Maine, which is marketed as "socially beneficial" as a form of self-justification. The legislature seeks