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Showing posts with the label public private

Walking Through The Looking Glass When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know. That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipp...

What Is Conservatism ? This is the introductory chapter of Public Private Relationships and The New Owners of the Means of Production in which I identify my own political philosophy There is much talk in today's American political landscape about conservatism. This is my view. Conservatism is Individualism The purpose of American conservatism is to preserve the political philosophy of the founders of the   United States, as documented in The United States Constitution, the Federalist Papers and The Declaration of Independence. The fundamental principal of that philosophy is individual liberty. A conservative considers policy within the framework of the United States Constitution. A progressive regards the Constitution as outdated and no longer suitable for today's world. A conservative rejects policy if it is inconsistent with the Constitution. A progressive devises ways around the Constitution and the statutes if they pose obstacles to what the progressive wants. ...

Donald Trump. Tax Opacity and the Secret World of Public Private Relationships No surprise that my tweets promoting this book and its message are being blocked by the #mepolitics twitter stream. Suffice it to say that the #mepolitics twitter stream is the voice of the hegemony that my book confronts and challenges. The  #mepolitics  twitter stream  is the combined voice of Maine political power and the Maine main stream media. Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production confronts the ways in which the hegemony of power has exploited the people of Maine and betrayed Maine's  Constitution. In other blocking news, national radio host Dana Loesch put out an excellent video on why she does not support Donald Trump and does not accept Mr Trump as a conservative. The video goes by the title of The Truth About Donald Trump and tells a story of Trumps past and his mobster business partners. Dana asks "Do we want a man with such a history picking cabinet members ?" Dana Loes...