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Showing posts with the label targeted sector economics

Lepage and TheTotalitarian State

TWEET THIS Governor Lepage is working hard to get the youth signed up as workers in the the targeted sector. There is not a lot of detail in this video. Lepage says corporations will buy student debt because corporations want workers. He doesn't explain much but he says he thinks he can make this "profitable". Don't the students already want jobs so they can pay back the debt? And doesn't student debt belong to the student and not the state? How can the state give a tax credit in exchange for services rendered to private citizens? Why would a corporation have to buy a debt from the state in order to get students to work for them? There is a demand for jobs- and demand for workers- I think they can get together on their own without the state managing it. Perhaps Lepage feels empowered to step in where there is no need for government to intervene because in 2013 the Maine Legislature passed §3304. Industry partnerships T...

Targeted Sector Economic is A Cloward & Piven Strategy Targeting The Middle Class

From the Time Line A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation: The Maine Economic Growth Council Report

Maine's Gubernatorial Candidates: Michaud on Energy

The other day , I was asked, whom do I support for Governor  and I said "someone who has yet to emerge." I am commencing an investigation into Maine's gubernatorial candidates, which started unofficially with my last post on LePage's "Open For Business: campaign;  Here is a summary of the Open For Business  legislation , which I will be examining further in another post. There is much in the bill that was not mentioned in the  Kennebec Journal article  that I used as a source in my previous post. I expect this to be a sporadically organized project - as  I work spontaneously - in the moment, on the go, in between other things that need to be done. The gubernatorial hopefuls are listed here .The ones we usually hear about are Lepage, Michaud, and Cutler but there are three relative unknowns on the list others on the list: Adam Eldridge (Independent) - Project Engineer Lee Schultheis (Independent)  - Retired Financial Executive  D...

Transference of Wealth from Corporate Welfare to General Welfare

                                                           My Latest Political Art Work Free For the Sharing !                                                             

LD743 An Act to Extend The Seed Capital Tax Credit Calls For A People's Vote

I believe that the Maine people, which ever side of the ideological divide they fall on, are missing a monumental opportunity if they fail to collect the signatures for a people's vote on LD743. I understand that success requires an pre-existing organization, capable of succeeding at a state wide effort, to that end, I sent this letter, to the Boothbay Register, the Lincoln County News, and the Portland Phoenix in hopes that it will resonate with those that have influence on the organized activists movements in Maine. It would be inspirational to see all sides come together to work on a singular cause.   Dear Editor, During the last legislative session, which closed on July 10 th , the legislature passed an LD 743 titled “An Act To Extend And Improve the Seed Capital Tax Credit Program”. It was heralded by all the Maine media as desperately needed in support of Maine entrepreneurs, which as it works with our legislature means Maine entrepreneurs that satisfy the requirements ...