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Walking Through The Looking Glass When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know. That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipp...

Free Download for Limited Time; Public Private relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production FREE DOWNLOAD FOR LIMITED TIME ! My book Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production is now available for a free download. WHY? Because I need YOU to read it! And because I need people who have read my book to pledge to support my crowd sourcing project for the publication of this book. I now have a great publisher to work with after dumping IUniverse I am collecting pledges for day one or whenever is best for you. A Crowdfunder that starts on day one with a lot of support has a better chance of succeeding. If you think this book has an important place in our contemporary dialogue, please help in what ever way you can to help this book make it intothe marketplace. I need to raise $10000.00. I will start a crowd sourcing project when I have enough pledges to give it a good start. About Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production: n 1979 The Maine legislature deemed central management...

How the Chinese Upended Koons & Clinton's Cultural Disconnect

  I wrote this piece a while back but it is also relevant today. In 2012 then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton awarded Jeff Koons the first United States Medal of Art. When Koons gave a speech in China, Clinton declared that Koons was an inspiration to his audience. Inspire he did but not as anticipated. ba·nal bəˈnäl,bəˈnal/ adjective so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. "songs with banal, repeated words" On  November 30, 2012  , Jeff Koons, star of the blue chip art galaxy, was awarded the first United States Medal of Art by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The main reason given for selecting Koons is that he is very famous and shows in  top of the market art galleries. In the honorary speech, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton recognized Koons for the time in that year when he spoke before an audience of 1000 listeners in China. According to Secretary of State Clinton Mr Koons "inspired cross-cultural appre...

Rubio's Exceptional Effort to Balance Individual Integrity and Public Service

Recently Jake Tapper interviewed Marco Rubio. Prior to the interview there was a petition floating in social media asking Jake Tapper to ask Rubio if he would accept the nomination if it is offered. Jake Tapper didn't ask that question- media bias has its rules- which does not include representing the 60% of Americans opposed to both of the establishment's presumed candidates. Rubio was asked only how supportive he will be of the presumed nominee of the Republican party. Rubio answers questions he is asked. The media frequently distorts his answers by imputing meaning that isn't there. If the media were to be fair and balanced to all factions of its audience, including the 60% of Americans who want a third option, it would also ask Rubio if he would accept the nominee in addition to asking if Rubio will support the presumed nominee pursuant to the pledge that Rubio took as a candidate in the Republican primary. Technically Rubio never pledged to support the presumed...

Categorically A Progressive Cannot Earn the Conservative Nomination !

Being a Republican and a conservative is a moral qualification for earning the Republican nomination. Ever since Trump entertainment Industries entered the Republican primaries, the media has been talking about the Trump candidacy as a done deal as if conducting psychological warfare by intentional design. In fact the delegates have not voted yet and in truth qualifications for earning the conservative party nomination should have a required measure of conservatism. Recently Mr Trump said that America should just have a "great president" and it doesn't matter whether the president is Democrat or Republican, which begs the question, if that is the way Mr Trump feels , why isn't he running as an Independent? To Republicans and conservatives it does make a difference and so one must ask how can one earn the Republican nomination when one is, by self admittance neither a conservative nor a Republican? Shouldn't "earning the Republican nomination...

How Progressivism Got Its Foothold In Maine In 1951

This is an preview chapter of my book Public Private relationships and The New Owners of The Means of Production Separation of Corporation and State  In the 1920’s fascism became the governing system in Italy, not by constitutional amendments but by a n ordinary process of legislation. There has been a similar process undergoing in Maine since the late seventies. The first stirrings of these changes date back even earlier. In this chapter we see how a 1951 Opinion of the Justices guts the core out of Article IV Part Third Sections 13 and 14 of the Maine Constitution but first, we shall go back to 1876 when Article IV Part Third Sections 13 and 14 were included in Maine’s Constitution. Governor Seldon Conner had just taken office. His inaugural address passionately railed against special interests and abuses of governmental powers which Article Iv Part Third Sections 13 and 14 of the Maine Constitution were intended to cure, Article IV. Part Third. Legi...