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What is the Meaning of “Capitalism” and Other Out-Moded Terms?

 Time for a Language Upgrade? wonderlane-unsplash In the Beginning: The true history of eleventh-century civilization is a source of inspiration for contemporary apocalypse dramas. After five centuries of living in danger and uncertainty, walls were built around the town, so that the populous could focus on living rather than surviving. The church was the center of the community, attracting fairs, incorporating a marketplace and theatre, into its orbit. Technology had not developed to the stage that it required concentrated capital beyond the means of the ordinary citizen or town, creating an egalitarian society with a locally based economy in which wealth was created through production. Artisans and tradespeople typically made up four-fifths of the town populace. In the beginning, the economy grew through the activity of industrious producers before merchants gained dominance. Barter was the currency of exchange. And so I wondered, does the early medieval society qualify as a cap...

As Democrats Call For Cuomo To Resign, What Happened to The Right To A Fair Trial, In The Era Of The False Narrative?

It's not about politics- it's about restoring a shared standard for truth. Er-nay, CC BY-SA 4.0 via  Wikimedia Commons This post  As Democrats Call For Cuomo To Resign, What Happened to The Right To A Fair Trial, In The Era Of The False Narrative?   has been selected as a Best of Tremr post: When Trump tried to extort Zelensky, all he wanted was for Zelensky to announce a new investigation into the Biden’s. Trump knew that only an accusation is needed for a conviction in the court of public opinion. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to the story about Governor Cuomo but it progressed like an incessant drumbeat. Governor Cuomo has been accused of sexual harassment. Governor Cuomo has six accusers! Democrats call for Cuomo to resign! Sexual harassment, sexual harassment, sexual harassment. Before investigati n g it myself. the buzz led me to assume, that there must be serious allegations of substance behind such an uproar. I read t...

Its Not the Economy, Its the Culture!

Trump has brought into focus a long brewing social crisis SELECTED FOR THE BEST OF TREMR darren-deloach-unsplash I was a Republican, until the 2016 convention when a petition gathered enough signatures to let delegates vote their conscience, and was promptly dismissed by a voice vote.  That was when I first became aware that the Republican party was afraid, intimidated and dominated by the Trump base. I felt the party took the traditional base of the party, which included myself, for granted, as if we were party players, guaranteed to support the party, unquestionably, no matter where it went. Deeply ro o ted party obedience has been established. Many whom I once respected and are no longer recognizable. Those of us who did not follow the leaders no longer have a place in the Republican party and have largely become Independents. I voted straight blue in the last election, but consider myself Independent. There is no reason to believe that either one party or the other will continu...

A Little Known Secret: When The Maine Legislature Chartered Multiple Municipalities Into A Single Development Corporation

  A Cautionary Tale for a time when municipalities are encouraged to become development corporations. william-daigneault-unsplash This post is taken directly from research I did a number of years ago. In the midst of composing a post about the current rural estate boom in Maine and the rise of remote working, I recalled the discovery of a region of municipalities which were chartered as development corporation quite unconstitutionally by the Maine Legislature in 1997. It is unconstitutional for the Maine Legislature to charter corporations by special act of legislation pursuant to Article IV Part Third Section 14 of the Maine Constitution, and yet it happens quite frequently. In fact, I would say there is a danger of any town in Maine being transformed into a development corporation by town leaders, as this is the kind of thinking that has been encouraged in Maine since 1976 when Maine became a centrally managed economy. As I was writing a current article, I discovered that the act...