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Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries: Darma Art and Other Rambing Thoughts on How and Why to Craft a Successful Crowdfunder

Andersen Studio-Design is a small independent private sector American Ceramic design and slip-casting enterprise, in existence since 1952. We need to raise capital in order to preserve our business in a way that can be carried on by future generations of ceramic designers and crafters . However, being so independent has its drawbacks- we don't have an easily accessed network of support needed to pull off a successful crowd funder. I see the most likely avenue of support as coming from the Conscious Capitalism movement started by John Mackey who founded Whole Foods, but how does one get the attention of a Mr Mackey and/or other other influencer willing to lend their name in support of our project? I suppose one can start by spreading the word- which is what I am doing now in this rambling and philosophical post about where Andersen Studio finds itself in today's world and how a company like Andersen Studio can make this world a better place in ways not usually considered in cont

Introducing Mikkel Clair Nissen

TWEET THIS I don't share a lot of other things on the web but this guy from Denmark is so forth right and tells it like it is living under socialism and   he also writes beautifully . Mikkel Clair Nissen In the first video in this series Mr Nissen is upset about a poster stating a McDonald's worker in Denmark makes $21.00 and a McDonald costs only 56 cents. Mr Nissen doesn't doubt that the worker makes $21.00 and hour but he says the burger costs $6.00. He then goes on to say that minimum wage is 17.00 an hour and that if you want to go into a business producing a product, you can't afford to have it produced . Mikkel Clair Nissen believes that the minimum wage has one single agenda  - the Marxist agenda of destroying private business. He says there is one company in Denmark which monopolizes everything and that company is called the Danish government, which is where we are going in Maine. We still have private businesses in Main

Juice Conference Part Three- And The Winner Is.....!

TWEET THIS Part Three -  Continuing the Story:  My Experience at the 2009 Juice Conference Part One   Part Two Since I did not attend the ballet, I had to ask to find out my status, Once I learned that I had not made it to the semi-finals, I decided to stick around and find out who did.  I looked around the room and noticed a few people wearing badges that said "Art Creates Jobs' Total naivety, I thought, the power elite of Maine is not interested in the small number of jobs that art creates - the Baldacci administration was using artists in service of the gentrification of Maine's towns and cities following social engineer, Richard Florida's "creativity" template.. The cities and towns must present a culturally stimulating face in order to attract the "creative class"- code for the wealthy. In the plans of the corporate state the artists are just the bait used to cat

High Brow Art VS the Marketplace and the Maine Juice Conference

TWEET THIS Continuing with my story from HERE ...(and incorporating a few paragraphs from this earlier but incomplete telling ) Finally, after a year of receiving stimulus fund notices for non-profits only, in the fall of 2009, I received an email from the Maine Arts Commission about a competition for small businesses for what I took to be, a modest grant for the sum of 30000.00 from an "anonymous source". In a moment of hopeful delusions, I imagined that the Maine Arts Commission had come to its senses and realized that they needed to support the private sector. The competition was called an "elevator pitch competition" which means a pitch delivered in five minutes. Even the written answers to questions on the application were required to be answered in a minimal number of words, brevity being stressed as being so important that if your couldn't explain a business idea in five minutes, then one's business idea is simply not

Making Government Smaller - Let's Revisit the National Endowments for the Arts

TWEET THIS POST: My reader might wonder why there is an Image of the book cover for Dharma Art posted on this political blog. Keep reading and you shall see. because now- as promised I am going to continue telling the story about my 2009 face to face meeting with the overlords of Maine's economy at their own pow wow, which they call "The Juice Conference" Somewhere I have records of everything but I am relying on my memory to tell this story as a simple time saving device. 2009 was the year of the Obama stimulus and at that point my primary acquaintance with Maine's government programs was through The Maine Art's Commission , from whom I received their email updates  I never removed my self from that email list but somewhere along the line I stopped receiving emails from MAC.- and so I just now signed up again. Throughout 2009, the MAC headlines announced available stimulus grants but when one opened the link the grants were avai

If Maine Voters pass Water Front Bond- Will It Go to Aqua Ventus Windmill Project?

TWEET THIS POST !! I feel torn between the feeling that I am spending too much time on this blog- and the short amount of time before elections. I would like to write a longer posts on the Bonds issues, so nicely packaged as "creating Jobs" for rural people, small businesses and the waterfront, which means more capital in the hands of Maine's un-elected boards of Maine's unconstitutional corporations, quasi's and "business consortium" -raising questions such as " If the waterfront bond is passed- how much of it will be channeled to the state's own business consortium - Aqua Ventus ? When the state wanted in on the windmill business that had been granted by PUC to Statoil, that was easy- just rewrite the PUC regulations and drive Statoil out! It worked like a charm but when it came to recieving the 47 million of freshly printed dollars from the feds that Statoil was scheduled to get- Aqua Ventus recieved only three mi

Whose Been Filtering the #mepolitics Twitter Stream?

TWEET THIS POST ! Yesterday, I noticed that my posts were either not displaying or went missing after a while on the #mepolitics twitter stream, which streams live on As Maine Goes. I also noticed that there were other independent political voices missing from that same stream and the stream took on an eerie appearance of the eternal brotherhood of the Maine government & the Maine press, useful, to my perspective, only in keeping up to date on news stories such as the story published by the Bangor Daily News about Question #3- yet another bond promoted as being in support of Maine's economy. Credit goes to the Bangor Daily News for still, at this date, so close to elections allowing the people's voice to be heard in the comments section, which is in stark contrast to the Maine media coverage of last years Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit.  The people's response in the comments section is a resound