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"Inhabitants of the Municipality" ARISE!

This is a link to a current discussion on As Maine Goes about the MRRA, which represents the current "sate of the  art" of the power of government that the legislature granted unto itself when they chartered The Maine Development Foundation - a non-profit corporation assigned with the elite privilege and authority  of managing the economy of the entire state.

added later This is a link to another discussion about the MRRA on As Maine Goes

This was an unconstitutional grab of power by the state government and once having transcended their oaths to that dusty old piece of paper that represents the will of the people of this state- other wise known as the Maine State Constitution- they certainly had no cause to get the consent of the governed as they instituted the process of fundamentally transforming the State of Maine into a corporation that controls the means of production through it's multifarious funds found throughout Maine State Inc's corporate network.

The meaningful and equivalent language for these funds is "capital", the accumulation and concentration of capital in the hands of Maine State Inc, which then redistributes the accumulated capital to its "targeted sector" and lets the "un-targeted sector" foot the bill all in the name of the "public benefit" as defined by the Lords of our Legislature, who with the crowning triumph of the statute chartering the Maine Development Foundation have established that statutory law supersedes the Maine State Constitution ( representing the will of the people if not "the public benefit" as so deemed by our elected nobility class - here to fore to be known as The Lords of the Legislature)

The primary newest insight in the As Maine Goes thread is that when the federal government  transferred the land of the Brunswick Navel Air Station to Maine State Inc, the towns from which the land was originally taken could have presented their own proposals. I have no idea if the towns ever organized themselves enough to compete with the behemoth Maine State Inc- which I liken to the Muslim Brotherhood in the organizational strength and their concentrated capitalization. Maine State Inc is an unconstitutional corporate state which has grown to monstrous proportions and if you read the concoction which is the charter for this unconstitutional corporation,- The MRRA  it is revealed  that in its crowing jewel of Maine State Inc has granted unto itself to right to acquire anyone's property to use for the purposes of "economic development"- were it not for the fact that of the obstacle of a charter which is a concoction of ambiguous legal authority.

Note added later. To my knowledge to date, There are three such state owned and controlled economic development "municipal corporations" in Maine- The Loring Development, The Washington County Development Authority, and the MRRA.The Loring Development was the first and found under Title 10 of the statutes, The other two are appendages to Title 5 §13083, which is a phantom chapter which has been repealed and all data about that chapter extracted from the Maine State Website that lists all the statures on October 6 2012, after the publication of this post

The Maine State Constitution prohibits the legislature from chartering the corporate state but there has been no authority enforcing the Maine state constitution for decades on end. Since the culture in Augusta is accepting that statutory law supersedes the constitution- the change can only be initiated from the people themselves. In my view the inhabitants of the municipality known as the MRRA who have a unique opportunity to turn the tide in the other direction and dethrone the legislature as the all powerful rule of law in the State of Maine and restore our beautiful state constitution to its rightful place- A what a powerful story that would make! Think of the movie rights if that's what it takes to get the inhabitants of the MRRA municipality motivated!

Maine state Inc is a corporation that has accumulated capital- not through earned profits - but from state and federal taxpayers and non-profit gift giving. As a corporation it is far larger than any municipal corporation can be. If allowed to continue its gowth unopposed it will eventually gobble up all local authority as the case of the MRRA establishes in that Maine State inc has usurped the power that constitutionally belongs to "the inhabitants of the municipality" Arise Inhabitants of the Municipality! Arise!


  1. Thanks very much for this series of posts. I had saved one of your earlier posts, and am just now getting around to reading it. Very interesting indeed. I hope to learn more over time, but from my new-found dealings with the legislature, my naive idea of what our state government is, couldn't be more wrong.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I was in much the same place back in 2009 when I uncharacteristically entered the Juice conference competition. I had no idea then how our government functions. The more I research , the more mind boggling it is, and the legislation currently being passed is the most outrageous as our legislature gets more and more brazen about superseding the state constitution since no one has protested in decades. Magazines like MaineBiz, which is currently sponsoring a "Momentum" conference are just the PR arm of Maine State Inc, as far as I can see. I won't be attending the "Momentum Conference" but I suspect that if I did it would be as revelatory as it was when I attended the Juice Conference and listened to an entire panel tell us how wonderful it is that the taxpayers of Maine are subsidizing a high growth investors corporation.


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