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The Remarkable Advantages of Having The State A Member of Your Business Consortium!

When I set out to produce this timeline, I  had no idea how long it would take. It became a learning process in the works. I started out with the knowledge that I have accumulated during four years of independent research. In the process of constructing this timeline, I gathered more information.

The timeline documents how centralized management of the Maine economy was established and entrenched- statute by statute and in the process a new government was put into place - that of  a corporate state. The process by which Maine was transformed is largely unconstitutional by the Maine State Constitution which , when honored, is government by the consent of the governed. The vast interconnected network of state corporations governed by UN-elected boards and appointed officials is dedicated to serving only the interests of the legislature's targeted sector, defined as that sector that provides higher than average incomes. Maine's newly formed government  serves the upper crust of the economy in industries qualified as "targeted " by legislative lords as they revel in their newly created status as the nobility of the state! It's an elected nobility so the people of Maine CAN do something about it but before that can happen, there needs to be a critical mass of informed voters, a goal made more difficult by a media that functions as the public relations arm of the targeted sector.

Although the stated mission of Maine's new government is  to centrally manage the Maine economy, it is astounding to see how many statutes state as their intent, the mission to  centrally manage the Maine economy, as if there is an internal war within the powers that be over who is going to be the central manager of the central managers. Both political parties, as well as independents share the vision of a centrally managed Maine- it's just seems that they can't see eye to eye over who should centrally manage whom and so they keep on chartering corporation after corporation, many with the mission of centrally managing just about everything that the central managers consider to be worth anything in the state of Maine, which is entirely measured in terms of capital, and cleansed by the rhetoric of social justice, all claimed to be for the public benefit as so deemed by the government of corporations and tzars.
Any benefits accruing to private individuals or associations, as a result of the activities of the authority, are deemed by the Legislature to be incidental to the public purposes to be achieved by the implementation of this chapter. - Deemed as true in the statute chartering  the FAME Corporation

There is a lexicon of official state language that has been consistently used over the years to justify the replacement of the Maine State Constitution by Maine State Inc. One of the primary phrases in the dictionary of official Maine State Inc language is "economic development" which , we are told is the object of Maine State Inc- as if "economic development" means to all people whatever Maine State Inc deems it to mean. In fact as an object of a corporation chartered by special acts of the legislature , "economic development " is a clear violation of Article IV Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State Constitution, as economic development can be done in ways other than being centrally managed by the corporate state - such as by the means of a free enterprise system

Article IV.Part Third.Legislative Power
Section 13.  Special legislation.  The Legislature shall, from time to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, for all matters usually appertaining to special or private legislation.
Section 14.  Corporations, formed under general laws.  Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State
The term "economic development" has many different meanings. I submit that when used by Maine State Inc - it has a clear and undeniably specific meaning- which is to socialize the risk and privatize the gain for the benefit of the legislature's chosen "targeted sector", designated to become the new owners of the means of global production.

During the years commencing more or less at 1977, the legislature has constructed a massive network of corporations that serve as instrumantalities of the state. Since each such corporation chartered by special act of the legislature constitutes a clear violation of the Maine State Constitution, about that time, the legislature also passed a statute deeming that if a corporation serves as an instrumentality of the state,  it is not a corporation, after which, the legislature must have felt free and uninhibited by the Maine state constitution because it has been incrementally and aggressively expanding its corporate network ever since.

The network of state corporations all work in conjugation with each other and in practice they are all subsidiaries of a single corporation which, in its own lexicon, goes without a name and so I have provided a name for this corporation so dominating over the state of Maine. I call the entire network Maine State Inc.

The individual corporations within Maine State Inc are sometimes cloaked in the language of a 'department of the state" and at other times they are presented in the public media as separate and independent corporations, clouding their true identities as "instrumentalities of the state"

The University of Maine is one such instrumentality where in state manufacturing is housed, The University of Maine- is part of the DeepCWind consortium which is empowered to construct 100 windmills in the Gulf Of Maine. By identifying the member of the consortium as the University of Maine, the true identity of that partner- the State of Maine- is clouded. The University of Maine is, by statute, an instrumentality of the state. To have the state of Maine as one of the partners in a business consortium has powerful advantages.

When Governor Lepage decided that it was preferable to have the University of Maine construct windmills in the Gulf of Maine, rather than the Norwegian energy company Statoil, which held the permit, he turned to the state legislature and arranged for a new statute to be written which would drive Statoil out of the picture. What foreign investor would not pull out once they see that they are confronted with a business competitor can write the rules of the game to it's own advantage and to the disadvantage of all other competitors  at a moments notice? Using such banana republic ethics. the Maine State Inc business consortium may have won the "contest" for off shore wind rights, but it has done major damage to the state's foreign investment potential from this point forward,.the same tactics used against Statoil can be used against any competitor to a state owned business consortium- foreign or domestic!
May 2014 UMaine gets federal grant for offshore wind project, but far less than $47 million hoped

In October, Statoil announced it was abandoning the Maine project due to uncertainty about Maine’s regulations. Until then, Statoil’s Maine project had been a competitor for the larger federal grants  (displayed as it is in the downloadable timeline)

It is said that there is a silver lining to every cloud; the silver lining to being in the government's UN-targeted sector is that the central managers do not think that the UN-targeted sector is important enough to centrally manage- but they do expect the UN-targeted sector to pay for the whole shebang because the targeted sector is given tax exemption after tax exemption and when there are no more tax exemptions to give, then come the refundable tax credits, which require the taxpayers of Maine to pay the favored ones a cash pay out if the favored ones do not owe  taxes, which is easily arranged by taking the right route through the state's package of benefits to the targeted sector.

This timeline represents many hours of construction work and about 4 years of research for which I work unfunded, as a labor of political urgency . You will not find a timeline such as this presented else where. It is a valuable reference document - a constitutional and statutory time line telling a little exposed narrative about how the state of Maine has been fundamentally transformed into a virtual colony of Maine State Inc.
The time line includes a special section on the 2013-14 Legislative Session. Download A Free Peek Inside- Emulating Comrade China's Road Map to Success. I hope that this short out-take will demonstrate the importance of grasping the larger context in which bills are passed by the legislature. When I first began this research I learned about one state corporation at a time until eventually the whole systemic purpose became transparent. This timeline enable's other's to get a overall grasp of the system as a whole and then to go into each part with an understanding of the context of one interconnected and mutually re-enforcing system of state corporations, which taken as a whole is the largest corporation in Maine- existing without an official name, but otherwise known as Maine State Inc.


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