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Senator Rubio's World Views VS the Canonized World View Of The Maine State Legislature

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I came across this speech on foreign affairs delivered by Marco Rubio in September. Rubio shows a holistic grasp of a complex and changing world world and true innovation in his plan to deal with that reality.


The world view canonized into statutory law by the legislature of Maine ( out take from A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation)-

Emulating Comrade China’s Road Map to Success


WHEREAS,  the United States and the Republic of China, known as Taiwan, share a most important relationship supported by our common values of freedom, democracy, rule of law and commitment to a free market economy; and…….

Commentary: It goes on to list the economic reasons-and to establish that,  China is on board with “climate change” (actually “pollution”- which is not the same as climate change) -China, having  risen to the top of global economic status by offering companies cost-savings in the form of minimalist environmental and health considerations, is now changing its tune:
Combating pollution has shot up the agenda of the ruling Communist Party, which for years pushed for rapid economic development with little concern about the environmental impact. Under public pressure to reduce the air pollution that blankets Beijing and cities across China, the country’s leaders are rebalancing their priorities. China Declares War on Pollution-NY POST

Meanwhile  China is making hegemonic moves on the Pacific Rim. Hegemony is a common value that Maine State Inc shares with The People's Republic of China.

Assistant secretary of state for East Asia, in February labeled China’s claim to almost all of the South China Sea, hundreds of miles from its shoreline, as “inconsistent with international law.Danny RusselAdmiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, told an Australian audience on April 9: “I am concerned by the aggressive growth of the Chinese military, their lack of transparency, and a pattern of increasingly assertive behavior in the region.” Bloomberg News Apr 22, 2014
China’s Income Inequality Surpasses U.S., Posing Risk for Xi
The income gap between the rich and poor in China has surpassed that of the U.S. and is among the widest in the world, a report showed, adding to the challenges for President Xi Jinping as growth slows.
The growing wealth disparity that accompanied China’s breakneck growth in the decade through 2011 has increased the risk of social instability in the world’s most populous nation and biggest developing economy. Xi is engineering a slowdown in expansion to below 8 percent and leading a campaign against corruption as he grapples with rising unrest, credit risks, and pollution choking the country’s biggest cities.

Bloomberg News April 29 2014


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