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Does LePage Know Something We Don't Know?

News update on Boothbay Water.

I have attempted to report my findings per the use of Boothbay water in the ceramic slip making process at the municipal and state levels to little avail. Even non-profit organizations formed in mutual interests fail to respond, consistent with my experience for many years, leading to the impression that the whole system is afraid to go against the established line of command.

And so this is my venue for reporting my findings on the public water supply in the Boothbay Region. One might say that the ability to mix a functioning ceramic casting slip is its own scientific test. The results tell us only that something is amiss.

A while ago I decided to try to dry the slip made from Boothbay water to a bone dry state and then mix it with my new water source to see if the materials used could be recovered.

In ceramic slip casting we use plaster molds because the plaster quickly absorbs the water from the liquid slip in contact with the plaster. After about 20-30 minutes we dump the liquid slip out, leaving the hollow form around the edges where the slip was solidified by its contact with the plaster.

When I poured the slip made with the Boothbay water on a plaster bat in the sun, it was three days before I saw any evidence of drying action. One can well understand why such a casting slip is useless. After three days there was evidence on the top layer of the slip that drying action was occurring through evaporation but it was proceeding very slowly. I took some from the thinnest section and broke it into very small pieces which sped up the drying action. Eventually I got the small broken pieces to a bone dry state and added the alternate water source. The result was a return to the mucky viscosity characteristic of slip made using the Boothbay water supply. This suggests that whatever the non-defloculating agent  is, which enters the slip when the Boothbay water is added, does not evaporate. It remains in the material.

Google Maps

In other News:
Boothbay home LePages bought 3 years ago is back on the market

The colonial is listed for $409,000, nearly twice as much as what the governor and his wife bought it for out of foreclosure in 2014. Portland Press Herald

 The listing is almost twice what the LePages paid for it in 2014. They bought the colonial for $215,000 from a bank that had been asking $329,900 for the property after taking it from its previous owner in a foreclosure proceeding the year before, records show. At the time they bought it, the average house value in Muirgen was about $700,000.
A new development in Boothbay ! Could this be the new economic construction boom that The Boothbay Water District Report raves about as a boon for our economy? Is this why the Boothbay water district says our economy is "hot"?

 In the above map you can see Knickerbocker Lake, the source of the non-deflocculating water supply, is centrally located to the Botanical Gardens, The Boothbay Harbor Country Club and the new public-private transportation project which links them and the new private development where the recently purchased LePage home is newly on the market again.

Given that our government by and for public private relationships has deemed that it is for our public benefit to protect private trade secrets from the public's right to know if hazardous materials are being used in public-private transportation projects, I deem that it is fair to speculate when the public is deprived of knowledge by statutory law.

The question then becomes: Does Lepage know something we don't know. The optics are not looking good in this picture !


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