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Showing posts with the label Ben Carson

The Ever Flexible Political Victimization Strategy Of The Anti-Establishment Right.

Tweet This ! I recently joined a Face Book Page called I  Love America but it turned out to be a page exclusively for those who are in agreement with the world views of the far right- which I call anti-establishmentarians- because that is what they are. They have a doctrine representing the politcal correct points of view and anyone who differs with this doctrine one iota is labeled a Liberal, a RINO, or a Progressive. This includes the majority of the Republican Candidates in the primary race. Once so labeled one is identified as someone to whom the collective mind of anti-establishmentarians are instructed not to listen. This includes the majority of candiates opposing the Donald in the Republican primaries. It was easy for the anti-establishmentarians to land upon the Donald as their politcally correct choice for presidential nominee- they had already canceled out most candidates without a listen. Unlike most Americans - the anti-establishment...