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The Ever Flexible Political Victimization Strategy Of The Anti-Establishment Right.

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I recently joined a Face Book Page called I  Love America but it turned out to be a page exclusively for those who are in agreement with the world views of the far right- which I call anti-establishmentarians- because that is what they are. They have a doctrine representing the politcal correct points of view and anyone who differs with this doctrine one iota is labeled a Liberal, a RINO, or a Progressive.

This includes the majority of the Republican Candidates in the primary race. Once so labeled one is identified as someone to whom the collective mind of anti-establishmentarians are instructed not to listen. This includes the majority of candiates opposing the Donald in the Republican primaries. It was easy for the anti-establishmentarians to land upon the Donald as their politcally correct choice for presidential nominee- they had already canceled out most candidates without a listen.

Unlike most Americans - the anti-establishmentarians had only a handful of candidates to choose from- one being Carly Fiorina- the smartest candidate amoung those lacking government expereince, one who articulates well though out solutions rather than campaigning on rhetoric alone. Unlike Trump, Carly is out there taking on Hillary, whom Trump to date has failed to mention as he targets other Republicans. Carly didn't even make it to the anti-establishmentarian's short list.

Ted Cruz got on their list despite his government expereince but Ted Cruz has set himself up as anti-the rest of Congress so he fits into their template. Then there is Carson- a nice man and interesting television pundit with some inspirational things to say but little management experience in either the government or private sector.

Then along came Trump- a multi billionaire and established household name willing to campaign against the entire government establishment- they found their man!  And now all they need to do is apply their standard campaign formula- which scarily ended up the last time around with the anti-establishmentarians campaigning against Romney during the entire election season and saying nary a word about Obama.

One of the elements of the anti-eastablishmentarian campaign strategy is to position themselves and their candidate as being victimized by the establishment:

 A couple of weeks or so ago I was hearing from the anti-establishmentarian drum beat that "they" were going to keep Trump out of the debates- setting up the standard MO that politicizes the anti-establishmentarian's candidate as being wronged by the rest of the US political world (the establishment). Now that Donald Trump is center stage at the debates, the anti-establishmentarians still spin that as being victimized by the big bad establishment- Donald Trump has been put there just in case he screws up!

 It couldn't be that Donald Trump is in the debates and at center stage because the big bad establishment is just playing by the rules in which who ever is in the prime time debate and their positions in the stage line up are determined by poll numbers ! Naw!  Don't listen to her- She's a Liberal- or a Rino- a Progressive ! Listen to us- You are being victimized by the establishment- Listen to us- You are being victimized by The establishhment- Listen to us- You are being victimized by the establishment, Listen....zzzzz- good !


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