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Showing posts with the label Collectivist thinking

In Maine it's The Innovative Class Vs The Underclass with the Middle Class A Relic Of By Gone Days.

As a person of independent views, I am often approached by those whom I consider to stand for the modern day thought police. The conversation is often framed as "We (or I) are trying to help you", which means they are trying to reprogram my thinking to be consistent with acceptable thought as issued by Maine State Inc and its comrade the Maine main stream media. I recently had such an encounter when I posted on AS Maine Goes - when a users who clouds his true identity under the name of "economike" stepped up to play the role of the thought police and was educating me about economics pursuant to the world view which has dominated, to the exclusion of all else, both the political class and the Maine main stream media during the decades in which the Maine constitution was swapped out as the governing rule of law in Maine to be replaced by governance of a corporate state serving as an instrumentality of global capitalism. Were this a science fiction novel, I could ...