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Showing posts with the label Knickerbocker Lake

Navigating Through A Landscape of Linguistic Constructs And Other News

First the News! THE OFF TOPIC NEWS !  This summer was a strange season for the garden. The field of poppies, a perennial subject of local social conversation, did not make its appearance. In the front garden, poppy pods dried up and fell to the ground without blooming. This fall there were hardly any fresh new poppy leaves in the front hill side garden. I foresee a scant display next spring. If the property falls into the hand of someone who will nurture the poppies, they will return. It is our hopeful dream that the Andersen Design flagship location can be bought back from the bank and made into a historically preserved location for The Andersen Design Museum of American Designer Craftsmen, similar to what has been done with Russel Wright's former home, , preserving the memory of a culture receding from the Boothbay Peninsula to make way for the plans of new and well financed centralized development groups. Otherwise the house and garden may be torn down ...

Update on Slip Mixing Mystery !

I have been busy attending to many different things and so it took a while to get new materials ordered so that I can test our casting slip using a different water supply. As a reminder ( see last pos t) after mixing slip at our location since 1958, recently I was unable to achieve a functioning balance between specific gravity and viscosity. To put it in easy to understand terms. specific gravity is the measure of the water content of the slip and viscosity is the measure of resistance to fluidity. A low specific gravity means there is a high content of water. A low viscosity means that the mixture is very fluid. I was getting an extremely low specific gravity reading such as I have never seen before and an extremely high viscosity. That is like putting enough liquid into a batter to make it like a soup but instead it is like cookie dough. Neither low specific gravity or high viscosity are functional in a ceramic casting slip. After three different batches of slip were attempted...