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Showing posts with the label Maine Constitution

Walking Through The Looking Glass When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know. That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipping

New Book: Public Private Relationships and The New Ownership of The Means of Production

Tweet This !  F or the last six years  Mackenzie Andersen  has been independently researching the history of Maine's economic development statutes. Public Private Relationships and The New Owners of the Means of Production takes all the research she accumulated since 2009 and hones it down into a snap shot. The result is an new perspective on the history of Maine focusing on the years since 1979 when under the Longley Administration, the State of Maine began its transformation into the corporation of Maine. In 1979 Governor Longley invited the heads of Maine Industry to take the leadership role in writing new statutes which would over ride the Maine Constitution's prohibition against corporations chartered by special acts of legislation. Two corporations were chartered. The Maine Capital Corporation, a private investment corporation subsidized with tax credits and the Maine Development Foundation,which would design and function as activists for c

2015 Maine Legislature Doubles Down on Bond Ballot Rewrite of Maine Constitution

In 2015   An Act To Limit the Information Required To Be Printed on Municipal Referenda Ballots was sponsored by Representative Picchiotti of Fairfield, Cosponsored by Senator Whittemore of Somerset and Representative Beth O'Connor of Berwick (former manager of Maine Taxpayers United) . It was referred to The Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government where it was rejected by the majority . MAJ, Ought Not To Pass Representative Martin of Sinclair, Chair Senator Libby of Androscoggin Senator Willette of Aroostook Representative Babbidge of Kennebunk Representative Bryant of Windham Representative Doore of Augusta Representative Evangelos of Friendship Representative Greenwood of Wales Representative Tuell of East Machias Representative Turner of Burlington MIN, Ought To Pass Representative Pickett of Dixfield The Maine Constitution Article IX General Provisions Section 14 constitutionally requires th e following information t

The Information Battlefront of Language

Tweet This ! I've been learning about profiles for photography printing . Different profiles represent different color spaces. Each color space has a different number of colors. When I published the post of the title about rural Caribou seceding, I found that several people on FaceBook took it to mean that I was supporting secession from the USA and that is because a lot of people on FaceBook do not actually click on a post and read it and barely absorb what the short phrase in a title says. Certain words become automatic signals that, like a printing profile, have a usage meaning embedded in them. That usage is independent to the meaning implied by the the context in which the word is actually being used in the specific instance. I added the words urban Caribou to the title, hoping to avoid that impression, although it made the title longer than I wanted it to be. So I started thinking that moving from posting a blog to writing a book is like us

Networking Essential For A Successful Crowdfunder And Developing Such A Network Is It's Purpose

TWEET THIS As you can see I am doing a crowdfunder in an attempt to raise the resources to take advantage of a 50% discount on iuniversal's program for self publishers . It is no surprise that I raised no funds on the first day because I am what you call an outlier blogger, which means in essence that I am not connected to a network of people working or supporting what I do. My mission in bringing the information and point of view that I present in my blog is to affect change in the entrenched political paradigm in Maine, and the USA,including the media. Crowdfunding depends on networking and I lack a network, which is why I want to be part of the Iuniversal program, a program which connects self published authors to community of professionals in the self publishing industry.It will help to build a network. I do not get paid for writing my blog and so it is not easy to find the time and focus to put the information I have gathered and the ideas that I

Cate Street Capital- Legal Fraud Status Checks Out -Here's How it Happened !

Tweet This:   Below is a quote that was passed on to me by an acquaintance who had contacted a member of the media concening investigations into the legal status of Subchapter 12: MAINE NEW MARKETS CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM  , which is the premise of the legality of a fraud perpetuated on the Maine people as reported as fact by the Maine media and costing Maine tax payers 76 million dollars at the latest telling in this article by Whit Richardson Thanks for writing, and for taking the time to do some digging. What you discovered is true. I don’t believe the Senate voted to approve LD 991 in 2011. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter as the bill’s language was folded into the budget bill that year. The House and Senate both voted to approve the budget, which means they also voted to create the New Markets program even though the original bill died on the appropriations table. Legislative leadership can fold language into the budget bill any time they want . T