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I've been learning about profiles for photography printing . Different profiles represent different color spaces. Each color space has a different number of colors.
When I published the post of the title about rural Caribou seceding, I found that several people on FaceBook took it to mean that I was supporting secession from the USA and that is because a lot of people on FaceBook do not actually click on a post and read it and barely absorb what the short phrase in a title says. Certain words become automatic signals that, like a printing profile, have a usage meaning embedded in them. That usage is independent to the meaning implied by the the context in which the word is actually being used in the specific instance. I added the words urban Caribou to the title, hoping to avoid that impression, although it made the title longer than I wanted it to be.
So I started thinking that moving from posting a blog to writing a book is like using a different color space except that instead of quantifying the number of colors, it is quantifying the number of readers and thinkers. A person buys a book because he intends to read it and to think about it and so I will reach more readers and thinkers by publishing a book than by publishing a blog.
There are those who get to my blog because they searched for a particular term or subject and they might be the set that actually reads it. For political purposes one wants to reach a larger group than those who have the most analytical and thinking minds because that is the nature of politics. This dis-informed voter votes and so we have meme publishing,which puts out simple ideas or supposed facts often intentionally unrelated to context. There is seldom any substantiation given for the supposed facts found in memes. If one want's to be sure, one can look the supposed facts up but many memes are targeting people who seldom look up anything and to whom a word such as "secede" always has the same meaning and context in their own minds. To achieve a political goal in today's world one has to use meme messaging because that's how much of the populous acquires information and forms ideas:
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This is a meme: |
My meme gives as much information as to why one should not vote for bonds, as one can give in the medium but many will just see the large letters and so the message becomes nothing more than an order. I put this out during election season when I was reading and writing about the bonds on the ballot in Maine but it occurred to me recently that I need to be publishing it all along so that it has a subliminal power to counteract what I perceive to be an opposing subliminal message. It's totally predictable. Maine voters always vote in the bonds. Say the words "job creation" and the public becomes like Pavlof's dog. My meme, in its simplest message says Think about it- there is another option- or maybe that is not the most simple sense. I was right the first time it is an order directed at those who respond to orders. I think that's called mind control. I shouldn't say that in today's world because it is just the sort of sentence that the thought police can latch on to, take it out of context, and twist the meaning of what one is saying to suit their own agenda, but in fact all memes function as a form of mind control directed at those who will respond automatically on que. It is seen all the time on Facebook. Someone posts a meme and a whole chorus chimes practically the same response in unison.
But politics is also influenced by thinking people who read and they also vote. In writing the book I have to translate the story that I have been narrating in this blog into a different reader thinker space- one in which the number of both is greater. In translating to that language I have to find the right tone and how to tell the flow of information that is now filed in my head and sporadically narrated on the pages of this blog into a different language which allows for a longer attention span- a longer story that tells the chronological story and also highlights various themes. I already have a timeline in place but it is not constructed in the style of a narrative but can be used as a guideline for the narrative
No one else is telling the story although it is out there to tell. Through the telling of the story.the reader will see that there is a hidden and distinct corporation that has no name and so I have called it Maine State Inc or the Maine Development Corporation and it has supplanted what was once the State of Maine
In order to understand that there was and continues to be a clear design to implement this transformation one has to acquire a data base of information in one's own mind and put each new implementation of that design into the context of the greater data base. An example is when I analyzed what is actually in the Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit bill, as it was so called in blatant recognition of the fact that the Maine State legislature, of if you prefer another language, the Board of the Maine Development Corporation serves the interests of private capitalists and uses the taxpayers as mere pawns in the game whom they direct to deliver a lion's share of investment capital to the new designated owners of the means of production.
One needs to examine the language changes- the smallest change often hides the fundamental and hidden intent of the legal document as I discovered when examining the new and second Terms of Agreement at The New England Foundation For The Arts.
In the case of the Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit, that subtle language change was a replacement of "entity" which includes both private and public institutions with "private venture capital fund" - a change to which the general public would not pay much attention, if the general public were to actually read LD 743 or if the media were to actually report accurately on what is in the legislation.
The fact that the word change is clearly intentional substantiates that the intent is to exclude public entities from the provisions of Section D. This applies to the entire sentences that have been deleted for private entities as well, which to my layman's perspective appears to have the effect of saying that the limit is applied to the whole of the private investment corporations and not calculated for each individual associated with that corporation and as such dramatically limits the tax credits available to private venture capitalist firms but not for the state's own public venture capitalist firm, The Maine Venture Fund, which is only public because the legislature invests 10% of the funds using taxpayers money as a roll over investment- which means uses tax payer money in the same manner as if taxpayers are investing in a non-profit organization, while the other 90% of private investors are qualified as "high growth investors" which traditionally means they take a high risk in return for high profits but the state is taking the high risk out of that definition as it passes the risk on to the general taxpayers through the magic art of refundable tax credits, of which the Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit offers the biggest payout for the private investor- up to 60% of his investment will be covered by the general Maine State Taxpayers.
D. The investment with respect to which any entity private venture capital fund is applying for a tax credit certificate may not be more than an aggregate of $500,000 $4,000,000 in any one eligible business invested in by a private venture capital fund in any 3 consecutive calendar years, except that this paragraph does not limit other investment by an applicant for which that applicant is not applying for a tax credit certificate and except that, if the entity applying for a tax credit certificate is a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, nontaxable trust or any other entity that is treated as a flow-through entity for tax purposes under the federal Internal Revenue Code, the aggregate limit of $500,000 applies to each individual partner, member, stockholder, beneficiary or equity owner of the entity and not to the entity itself. This paragraph does not limit other investment by an applicant for which that applicant is not applying for a tax credit certificate. A private venture capital fund must certify to the authority that it will be in compliance with these limitations. The tax credit certificate issued to a private venture capital fund may be revoked and any credit taken recaptured pursuant to Title 36, section 5216-B, subsection 5 if the fund is not in compliance with this paragraph.
The new improved Seed Capital Tax Credit is tailor made favoritism for the SEGF (Maine Venture Fund) pursuant to the changes found in Sect 3 D (and elsewhere in the bill) , in which the word "entity" is struck out and replaced by "private venture capital fund". The word "entity" included both public and private capital funds. The new change in language insures that the restrictions in Section 3D fare not applicable to the SEGF -a public corporation chartered by special act of legislation- with these words :
There is established as a body corporate and politic and a public instrumentality of the State the Small Enterprise Growth Board, which consists of 11 members appointed by the Governor. ....Now called the Maine Venture Fund
Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §1100-T, sub-§1-A, as enacted by PL 2011, c. 454, §2, is amended to read:1-A. Private venture capital fund. As used in this section, "private venture capital fund" means a professionally managed pool of capital organized for a limited life to make equity or equity-like investments in unrelated private companies using capital derived from multiple limited partners or members at least half of which, measured in dollar commitments, are unaffiliated and unrelated, and includes any venture capital fund licensed by the United States Small Business Administration. The authority may require such information as may be necessary or desirable for determining whether an entity qualifies as a private venture capital fund. An entity that otherwise qualifies as a private venture capital fund may elect not to be treated as a private venture capital fund for purposes of this section with respect to any proposed investment.
The above could actually apply to any private venture capitalist fund - but it is more solidly applicable to The Maine Venture Fund - chartered by special act of legislation with these words: in violation of the Maine State Constitution, Article IV, Part Third , Section 14,
1. Establishment; membership. There is established as a body corporate and politic and a public instrumentality of the State the Small Enterprise Growth Board, above is in violation of the Maine State Constitution, Article IV, Part Third , Section 14:
Article IV.
Part Third.
Legislative Power.
Section 13. Special legislation. The Legislature shall, from time to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, for all matters usually appertaining to special or private legislation.
Section 14. Corporations, formed under general laws. Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State.
When translated into the information profile that I have created over six years of research these finer points of distinction are color-highlighted, so to speak. If one converts the informational space that I have constructed to the informational space delivered by the Maine main stream media and then apply a gamut warning, you will see many bright florescent colors dominating the spectrum, which in terms of my analogy- florescent colors represent information in the profile I have constructed which does not exist in the Maine main stream media profile.
Don't Let The Maine Media Function Behind A Curtain ! Support the Preserving The American Political Philosophy Crowdfunder ! Please and Thank You !
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