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Showing posts with the label Maine State Constitution

Fiscal Information Required by Maine Constitution to Accompany Bond Questions

TWEET THIS: Continuing my investigation into the constitutional bond ratification process : This looks like the fiscal information which is constitutionally  required to accompany the bond questions . This information is found on the Maine Treasurer's report to the Maine legislature. Treasurer Douglass's February 12, 2014 Bond Update to MaineLegislature : Honorable Members of the 126th Maine Legislature: Update on General Obligation Bonds: $52M funded to date; $84M total expected in FY2014; $78M requested in Q1 FY 2015  excerpt: Here are some additional facts about Maine General Obligation Bonds: • Maine GO bonds are traditionally structured to mature in 10 years, with two payments per year after the initial borrowing. • AU bonds expire after 5 years if not issued, but may be reauthorized for 2 years by the Legislature.* • GO bonds are issued by the State Treasurer with the full faith and credit of the ...

In 1981 Maine Legislature Grants Itself The Authority to Centrally Manage Economy

A Free Enterprise System Cannot Co-Exist with A Centrally Managed Economy The following are out-takes from the statutory downloadable timeline ( With headlines added)  which I constructed by researching the statutes- A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation available for a minimum contribution for the many hours of research required for both this blog and the timeline.The only income I make from this blog comes from contributions in exchange for the downloadable timeline which includes internal and external links and bookmarks for ease of navigation. All links are active in the downloadable timeline.They do not transfer over in the cut and past function. From The Table Of Zingers This chapter (Municipal Bond Bank)  shall be construed liberally to effectuate the legislative intent and the purposes of this chapter as complete and independent authority for the performance of each and every act and thing authorized in this chapter and all po...

The Preserving The American Political Philsophy KickStarter Project IS HERE NOW!

I've been blogging about the Maine economy since around 2007 when my blog was called Main Street Economy . Day One starting at 1:26 PM Goal Reached  _   Dollars out of $1000.00 In 2008 I attended a Juice Conference at the encouragement of someone at Maine Arts Commission, who was promoting, what I took to be, a modest grant but which later turned out to be an investment. The investment opportunity was promoted as coming from an "anonymous donor ( or perhaps it might have said "investor"). As it turned out this was The Small Enterprise Growth Fund , which I had seen in passing but had not spent time on as it was promoted as a "high growth Investors group" which to my understanding means the type of investor that wants to make a large profit in a relatively short time for which the investor takes a larger risk that usual. This sort of investor does not suit the profile that interests a small ceramic design and manufacturing company like Andersen Stud...

Conspiracy Theory

TWEET THIS !! There is currently  a chilling story in the national news about the targeting of C atherine Engelbrecht, who started two Tea Party organizations in Texas, It is not a story  we would have expected to hear in the United States of America, a few short years ago.  Ms Englebrecht started an organization called True The Vote, after volunteering at the ballot box and becoming dismayed at the voter fraud that she witnessed .When C atherine Engelbrecht applied for non-profit status she became the target of four federal government agencies- not merely the IRS and was also attacked by members of the United States Congress. You can read C atherine Engelbrecht's story HERE - It is very reccommended. This is the kind of story that the left attempts to dismiss with the phrase "conspiracy theory" as if conspiracies could not actually exist and so the phrase is expected to be taken as a synomyn of "nut job"- but in fact conspiracies do ...

Big Money, Redistributed Wealth and Legal Opacity Make For Happy Bed Fellows!

TWEET THIS! Section 2 of the Home Rule Amendment ( Construction of Buildings for Industrial Use), was added to the constitution as section 8-A of Article IX in 1962 Home Rule Section 2.  Construction of buildings for industrial use.   For the purposes of fostering, encouraging and assisting the physical location, settlement and resettlement of industrial and manufacturing enterprises within the physical boundaries of any municipality, the registered voters of that municipality may, by majority vote, authorize the issuance of notes or bonds in the name of the municipality for the purpose of purchasing land and interests therein or constructing buildings for industrial use, to be leased or sold by the municipality to any responsible industrial firm or corporation. It was relocated under the 1973 codification. According to Marshall J Tinkle : This provision was added to the constitution as section 8A of Article IX...