Tweet This: This is the Pathway to Enactment page, produced and distributed under the direction of the Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate of Maine. What you will read on the Pathway to Enactment page is consistent which what most of us learned in Civics 101 - that laws are enactied by a vote of agreement in by both legislative houses. Below is the explanation from the Maine Legislative Library about how laws are enacted in post-constituional Maine- and explaining that this is a standard means that Maine State Inc has been using to enact laws. It is only under the new laws instituted in post- constitutional Maine- ie under the laws codified by Maine State Inc- that the tax payers are on the hook for what the media, long in bed with the transformation of Maine from a state to a corporation, has declared to be a "legal fraud"- all of which is based on the enactment of LD 991 into the statute- not by a vo...
Examining the Fundamental transformation of the American political system that originated in the political philosophy preserved by Publius in The Federalist Papers. This blog was originally published as Main Street Economy and focused on legislation passed in the state of Maine "inspired" by similar laws passed by other states which collectively constitutes a fundamental transformation of the American political philosophy within state incubators.