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Showing posts with the label Refundable Tax Credits

What Will Make America Great Again ?

As our national drama unfolds as a tale of alleged money laundering clogging the arteries of presidential politics, a uniquely positioned character emerges in Steve Bannon. Once rumored to be the power behind the throne, Bannon is now banished from the regime, fired from his job, and cut off from his financial supply chain. Steve Bannon has nothing left to lose. In ostracizing Bannon, Bannon came to be empowered with an unpredictable artillery of a loose cannon, a circumstance which the prevailing power contingency failed to foresee. Bannon is as derisive of Congress as he is ostracized by the Trump Republicans. Bannon was called back to center stage by the equally independent Mueller, reported to be straighter than an arrow and poised to penetrate the long-whispered rumors of an underworld wasp's nest crowning the glorious tower of Trump Global Enterprises. How delicious! But sorry to disappoint my dear reader, this blog post is not about Trump or Bannon and the whole shebang, H...

When the Maine Legislature Openly Plotted to Undermine the Maine Constitution

Refundable tax credits (redistribution of wealth) came into use in the USA in the mid seventies. Look what happened. Is it time to start letting the economy manage its self? Quote from a Facebook conversation about the New Boothbay Round About : Here's the deal. I don't care one way or another whether there is a frigging roundabout or not but i do think we need to look twenty or thirty years forward when we plan because growth is coming whether we like it or not. I'm not pushing it but i accept that it is coming. A threat? No just just that we haven't even begun to see the changes that will come. Apparently you all have mistaken me for someone who actually gives a shit what happens on the peninsular . as long as my property increases in value I'm good- local Boothbay person on Facebook Many people and politicians conflate economic development with increasing property values. In that case the town is nothing more than a business investment for its stock ho...

Fixing The Blame For the New Markets Tax Credit

Tweet This Beacon POD Cast June 12, 2015 – The New Markets scam Download file  | Duration: 31:54 | Size: 29.2M In this episode of the Beacon podcast, Maine People’s Alliance political director Ben Chin interviews  Joel Johnson , an economist for the Maine Center for Economic policy, and attempts to make the deliberately-complicated New Markets tax credit scam (through which out-of-state corporations have fleeced the Maine taxpayers of more than $30 million) a little more understandable. This Beacon POD Cast is presented by Mike Tipping, Bangor Daily News Journalist  and Director of the  Maine People's Alliance , who tells us in his introduction that Chin and Johnson are going to "dig a little deeper" into the New Markets Tax Credi t and repeats the ubiqutous media line that one of the reasons why the scam hasn't caused more public outrage and government action is because it is "so deliberately complicated". This line is t...

We Can Spend Your Money Because We Know What's Good For You

Tweet This ! Maine House speaker pushes job training legislation The 'Put ME to Work' bill would create new funding to help connect students with jobs in high-demand industries. article in Portland Press Herald by Steve Mistler AUGUSTA — House Speaker Mark Eves is backing a bill designed to invest $5 million over the next five years in job training programs that create public-private partnerships to develop a trained workforce in high-demand fields such as logging, health care and machining. In the latest plan being put forth by the board of the Maine Development Corporation, (The Maine legislature) there is a significant change in language. The qualifier for the sector of the economy targeted for subsidization has changed from the sector of the economy providing " above average income" to the sector of the economy which is "highly compensated" In a  2007  tax policy publication put out by the Maine Development Foundation (C...