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What Will Make America Great Again ?

As our national drama unfolds as a tale of alleged money laundering clogging the arteries of presidential politics, a uniquely positioned character emerges in Steve Bannon. Once rumored to be the power behind the throne, Bannon is now banished from the regime, fired from his job, and cut off from his financial supply chain. Steve Bannon has nothing left to lose. In ostracizing Bannon, Bannon came to be empowered with an unpredictable artillery of a loose cannon, a circumstance which the prevailing power contingency failed to foresee. Bannon is as derisive of Congress as he is ostracized by the Trump Republicans. Bannon was called back to center stage by the equally independent Mueller, reported to be straighter than an arrow and poised to penetrate the long-whispered rumors of an underworld wasp's nest crowning the glorious tower of Trump Global Enterprises.

How delicious! But sorry to disappoint my dear reader, this blog post is not about Trump or Bannon and the whole shebang, However it sets the national tone. I leave it up to you to interpret the why and wherefore.

When I was in grade school I caught my respected teacher in a lie. I didn't say anything to anyone but it impressed me enough that to this day I remember, not the lie, but the fact that I observed it. A lie is obvious, needing no outside confirmation. The perception of such resides in the internal intelligence of the observer.

Seemingly, through the lens of my own encounters, we live today in an increasingly authoritarian culture, which for its own convenience, has assigned a uniform character to the resident internal intelligence of the masses. In a society formed on the principals of the American political philosophy, each observer is a unique individual with a unique perspective, but from the point of view of authoritarian systems of government, the masses are collectivized and assumed by central management to have a commonly attributed intelligence and worldview which is uniformly distributed among the faction, to which individuals are assigned, by the ruling class, for their own management convenience. The homogenization of all needs, all thoughts, and feelings of the masses allow the rulers to rhetorically empathize with the uniform feelings assigned to a targeted faction. The ruling class assumes its self to have a God-like perspective on humanity which accounts for every possible faction to which an individual can be assigned and described by its collective identity. This concept is articulated by Mussolini in the Doctrine of Fascism when he says that nothing exists outside the state:

No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State . Fascism is therefore opposed to Socialism to which unity within the State (which amalgamates classes into a single economic and ethical reality) is unknown, and which sees in history nothing but the class struggle. Fascism is likewise opposed to trade unionism as a class weapon. But when brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State. titled REJECTION OF INDIVIDUALISM AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE STATE

An increasingly authoritarian culture is a natural development for any centrally managed system such as was established in Maine in the seventies, when a public-private oligarchy claimed ownership to the reigns of our economy, and thus our state government. Governor Longley appointed a board composed of the CEOs of the largest and wealthiest corporations in Maine. Under the board's leadership, the Maine Legislature codified central management, authorized by no further authority except that recursive authority of deeming central management to be an essential government function which had to be done by public-private relationships. This was a radical change in our governing political philosophy, breaking with our constitutional foundation.

The coup d'état by Maine's wealthy elite was justified, by themselves, to themselves, and for themselves, because they observed the obvious, that businesses suffer for lack of capital. The essential function of government then became the concentration and redistribution of wealth by the government to private interests under the rubric of "public-private relationships", which for some inexplicable reason has been sold to the Maine and American public as unquestionable goodness descending on earth.

Today we live amid a world rife with subversive warfare. The American Constitution can be amended and our system transformed from within. The internet is a perfect channel for sophisticated propaganda targeting the conceptually homogenized factions. In reality, in every faction there are divergences. The only constant is change and change initiates in that resident and individualized consciousness which interacts with the hypothetically homogenized world.

I would like to thank the reigning Trump regime for bringing a new word into prominence in the language battlefield. That word is "oligarchy", which shares its essential meaning with that other popular phrase. "public-private relationships".
Definition of oligarchy
A government of the few, sometimes in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role. Type of Government Flashcards

While "public-private relationships" represents all things light and good, "oligarchy" represents darkness and corruption by government which is specifically associated with a kleptocracy.

Definition of kleptocracy
Government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed; also : a particular government of this kind Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

The word "oligarchy" has had a dark connotation, for as long as I remember, often associated with Russia. Putin is believed to be using sophisticated propaganda techniques to undermine the western established governments, spreading global anti-establishment activism across the western world. In online conversations, I have witnessed attempts to clean "oligarchy" of its kleptocracy associations and use it instead to connote any wealthy person who is in public services, such as George W Bush, who was careful to divest his business interests when he planned his presidential run. Some online dictionaries occlude "kleptocracy" in their definition of "oligarchy", as if working an incremental plot to transfer the darkness embodied in "oligarchy" with a less definitive darkness and then to generally associate the idea of darkness with capitalism, by which they erroneously mean private capitalism, exclusively, as Marx used the term, although state capitalism is also capitalism, by another agent. Fascism unites the two forms of capitalism and today conceals its origins in an identity laundered from its Nazi past, "public-private relationships".

Was the system instituted in Maine under Longley an oligarchy by definition? Did it create a small group (the board) who exercises power for corrupt and selfish purposes? The Maine Capital Corporation was chartered as a private investment company authorized to sell stock with the promise of a 50% tax credit. At the same time, in Title36: Taxation, of the Maine statutes, the Maine Legislature provided that all investment companies investing in Maine small businesses were given a 100% tax exemption. It was the era in which refundable tax credits first came into use across the USA. The language conventions were not yet established. However, if the charter for the Maine Capital Corporation provided both a 100% tax exemption and a fifty percent tax credit, it had to have been a refundable tax credit, better called a reversible tax credit, because if no taxes are owed the public owes the holder a cash payment, fifty percent of the investors investment, no less, and no profit share.

Did the new form of government intend for the citizen to have a very limited role (such as taxation but not representation)? The answer lies in the same record. Goal #2:

2: eliminate the requirement for a local referendum on municipal bond issues. Governor’s Task Force for Economic Redevelopment-1976 
So by definition, the system of government by public-private relationships, established in Maine in 1976, is an oligarchy.

I would like to close this post by once again thanking President Trump for breaking up the Republican Party. I believe in the next election, Democrats will win big, but to do so they will have to target the Republicans, like myself, who split from the party when Trump was nominated. That faction is a true conservative faction, not merely a fiscally conservative faction. I believe it will have to be the very best of the Democratic party who can convince us. I think they will be trying and perhaps competing with a new conservative party. That's all for the good. The contingency which has broken from the Republican party has not yet formed into an identifiable homogenized faction. Listening to each other will take on greater importance and so a new individualism is born. That's what will make America great again.


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