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Showing posts with the label Republican debates

The Ever Flexible Political Victimization Strategy Of The Anti-Establishment Right.

Tweet This ! I recently joined a Face Book Page called I  Love America but it turned out to be a page exclusively for those who are in agreement with the world views of the far right- which I call anti-establishmentarians- because that is what they are. They have a doctrine representing the politcal correct points of view and anyone who differs with this doctrine one iota is labeled a Liberal, a RINO, or a Progressive. This includes the majority of the Republican Candidates in the primary race. Once so labeled one is identified as someone to whom the collective mind of anti-establishmentarians are instructed not to listen. This includes the majority of candiates opposing the Donald in the Republican primaries. It was easy for the anti-establishmentarians to land upon the Donald as their politcally correct choice for presidential nominee- they had already canceled out most candidates without a listen. Unlike most Americans - the anti-establishment...

Governor Rick Perry's Most Significant Phrase was "Unconstitutional"

I was amazed during the debate that Governor Rick Perry exhibited the emotional courage to state that the social security system is unconstitutional. Governor Perry then went on to say that social security is a "ponzi cheme", which is a point that goes to statutorily law, which is governed by the constitution. Thus far, from my limited viewing of the media, the focus has been on the "political" advisability of using the phrase "ponzi scheme" while the words "unconstitutional" are largely ignored. However there is a discussion taking place on As Maine Goe s which takes a well examined look at the constitutional issue. I recommend reading at least the first post, if not further for an excellent examination of what the Supreme Court did wrong when it ruled social security was "constitutional" and what our framers actually said about the powers of the Federal Government in the Federalist Papers and beyond. John w k, the author of this ...