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Showing posts with the label Richard Florida

Juice Conference Part Three- And The Winner Is.....!

TWEET THIS Part Three -  Continuing the Story:  My Experience at the 2009 Juice Conference Part One   Part Two Since I did not attend the ballet, I had to ask to find out my status, Once I learned that I had not made it to the semi-finals, I decided to stick around and find out who did.  I looked around the room and noticed a few people wearing badges that said "Art Creates Jobs' Total naivety, I thought, the power elite of Maine is not interested in the small number of jobs that art creates - the Baldacci administration was using artists in service of the gentrification of Maine's towns and cities following social engineer, Richard Florida's "creativity" template.. The cities and towns must present a culturally stimulating face in order to attract the "creative class"- code for the wealthy. In the plans of the corporate state the artists are just the bait used to c...

Those who Benefit from the Closure of St Andrews Are Those Who Benefit From Relocating Boothbay's Retirement Community

Tweet this : The Boothbay Peninsula's Emergency Room will close its doors on October 1st. When the decision was first announced in the Boothbay Register it was stated that it was not a decision based on money. If memory serves me right, a claim was made that it was about quality of service. Since then the story has been perpetuated by some that St Andrews was not making a profit, with others claiming that it is profitable. I asked the opinion of someone familiar with the inner circle. He claimed that the appearance that St Andrews did not make a profit was created by the way that medicare presents bills. I believe he said it was in the year 2007 that all the books had been closed when after that fact medicare presented a sizable bill. This gave the appearance that St Andrews was not making a profit but that since then the hospital had caught up on those payments.This is a reasonable explanation for a controversy over whether the hospital is or is not prof...

MRRA and Tempus Jets Drain More Money From The TaxPayers Via The Pine Tree Zone.

Recently Maine's newest city state, The Midcoast Regional Development Authority , announced its latest win in the national competition among the states to procure corporate job growth via innovative systems of bribery designed to redistribute wealth created by the general public into the hands of private corporations. The prize is Tempus Jets , an aviation company servicing the needs and desires of the private jet owing community. The aviation industry is a well chosen target of the Paul Le Page administration, serving an additional goal of attracting a wealthy upper class to Maine, a class which Maine's ruling class aims to grow, as laid out in the " Creative Economy" template of professional overlord Richard Florida , the social engineering guru followed by Maine's former Governor, John Baldacci. Richard Florida designates this class as "the creative class", of which wealth is a definitive criteria. Tempus Jets was procured for Maine via Pine Tree Z...

On Being An Anomaly In The Age of The Creative Economy Introduction: The Cultural Context Every organization and every business is its own culture. Andersen Stoneware is a cultural environment that places a distinct and unique value on the process of making things. The Creative Economy is a culture that places value on designing (innovating) things. Andersen Stoneware designs what it makes and so Andersen Stoneware also values innovation. Arguably, the Creative Economy is  a response to the loss of manufacturing (making things) in the United States and the rise of manufacturing in what was once called third world nations. As such the ideology of the Creative Economy movement glorifies designers over makers as it separates the act of designing from the act of making (also  repairing and maintaining which are qualified as "lesser skilled work " according to the "creative economy" system of measurement) ( example) In the marketing of the Creative Economy, those that design, do no...

Baldacci and Richard Florida- A Love Affair.

In the last post we met Lego-Man , the face and voice of redistribution economics  whose avatar appropriately portrays a mechanized man as opposed to a living organic being . Lego-Man implied that I was too stupid to get in on the gravy train of government redistributed wealth. In fact I have a long history of trying to work with government resources. I first became involved in what our state government was doing at the beginning of the Baldacci administration. In my younger days I was not at all involved in politics, I hardly knew the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans and I had no idea what the left and the right were. And yet, even in my ignorance I leaned right.  I initially took an open minded approach to Baldacci's "creative economy"  but interpreted through my own lens to mean creative thinking about the whole economy, I soon realized that Baldacci did not share my way of seeing. Baldacci was a disciple of Richard Florida whose writings emphas...