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Showing posts with the label State property tax grab

The Missing Most of the Economy!

Tweet This! This video is filled with many sorrowful images but I look at it I see freedom and I see locations where a ceramic slip casting production could take advantage of the natural affinity between ceramic production work and the often deeply rooted rural inhabitants. Such an enterprise is a natural fit between the existing populous and the work. But the freedom is an illusion in Maine, 2014. All rural areas are threatened by population relocation plans of either Agenda 21 or by the corporate state deploring that the inhabitants are not producing their "fair share" of revenue to meet the corporation's bottom line.  Back in 2012 then gubernatorial wannabe Steve Woods suggested that the state could deny infrastructure tax dollars to rural communities  which he claimed were not producing enough sales tax revenue to justify their existence and openly expressing his philosophy that the people serve the interests of the state and not the o...