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This video is filled with many sorrowful images but I look at it I see freedom and I see locations where a ceramic slip casting production could take advantage of the natural affinity between ceramic production work and the often deeply rooted rural inhabitants. Such an enterprise is a natural fit between the existing populous and the work.
But the freedom is an illusion in Maine, 2014. All rural areas are threatened by population relocation plans of either Agenda 21 or by the corporate state deploring that the inhabitants are not producing their "fair share" of revenue to meet the corporation's bottom line. Back in 2012 then gubernatorial wannabe Steve Woods suggested that the state could deny infrastructure tax dollars to rural communities which he claimed were not producing enough sales tax revenue to justify their existence and openly expressing his philosophy that the people serve the interests of the state and not the other way around-meaning that the state today is a state in name only while in practice it is a for-profit corporation.
In 1987, in what can arguably be described as an incremental strategy to take over the financial resource that property taxes provide to municpalilities, the Maine legislature created municipal revenue sharing purportedly because the state has to provide for infrastructure- the same infrastructure that gubernatorial wanna be Steve Woods proposed could be used as a tool of manipulation to force the current inhabitants out of rural areas.
1987 §5681. State-municipal revenue sharing creates a general pool for municipal expenditures controlled by state Governor John R. McKernan, Jr.
2001 Statute establishing Municipal Tax Increment Financing (TIF) controlled by the DECD corporation3. Declaration of public purpose. It is declared that the actions required to assist the implementation of development programs are a public purpose and that the execution and financing of these programs are a public purpose.[ 2001, c. 669, §1 (NEW) .] (emphasis mine)
2001 Municipal Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
2001 Chapter 383: ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Subchapter 9: MAINE RURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY controlled by the DECD corporation §13120-A. Authority established; purpose
Mr Douglas Ray goes by the title of “legislative liaison” for the DECD Corporation, which the state always refers to as the Department of Economic and Community Development, but DECD is chartered as a corporation serving as an instrumentality of the state - legislatively chartered corporations are unconstitutional by the state constitution - and so it is more accurate to say that the DECD corporation is a subdivision of the Maine Corporation and NOT a department of the state of Maine which by definition is governed by the Maine constitution.
Mr Douglas Ray is a taxpayer funded lobbyist for the DECD corporation.
It is common practice that the majority of those giving testimony in congressional hearings at the Maine legislature are tax payer funded lobbyists from subsidiary corporations of Maine State Inc. In 2013 a bill came up specifically targeting Maine based manufacturing, agricultural and creative industries, MrRay testified as neither for nor against it.
Mr Douglas Ray is a taxpayer funded lobbyist for the DECD corporation.
It is common practice that the majority of those giving testimony in congressional hearings at the Maine legislature are tax payer funded lobbyists from subsidiary corporations of Maine State Inc. In 2013 a bill came up specifically targeting Maine based manufacturing, agricultural and creative industries, MrRay testified as neither for nor against it.
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Bill Sponsors
Presented by Representative Beavers of South Berwick.
Cosponsored by Senator Langley of Hancock and
Senators Cleveland of Androscoggin, Representative Gilbert of Jay, Representatives Johnson of Greenville, Mastraccio of Sanford, Monaghan-Derrig of Cape Elizabeth, Morrison of South Portland.
H.P. 448 House of Representatives, February 26, 2013Cosponsored by Senator Langley of Hancock and
Senators Cleveland of Androscoggin, Representative Gilbert of Jay, Representatives Johnson of Greenville, Mastraccio of Sanford, Monaghan-Derrig of Cape Elizabeth, Morrison of South Portland.
Resolve, Requiring the Department of Economic and Community
Development To Develop Incentives for Industries in the State To
Increase Employment of Maine Residents
This bill requires the Department of Economic and Community Development to work with the Department of Labor, the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services and regional planning commissions to develop incentives for manufacturing, agricultural and creative industries in the State to increase their employment of Maine residents. The Department of Economic and Community Development is directed to submit a report of its findings, including any necessary implementing legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development by December 4, 2013. (emphasis mine)
MrRay’s testimony re H.P. 448 did not specifically address the content of the bill, which focuses on jobs - including manufacturing jobs in Maine. The testimony could have just as suitably been presented in any situation in which Mr Ray promotes the DECD corporation. But when it came to testifying for the “Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit” Mr Ray testified “strongly in favor”. The difference is clear. Global capitalists do not manufacture in Maine- they manufacture in low cost global labor market places. The Legislative Intent establishing the DECD corporation expounds on globalism. Investment money that the state delivers in Maine goes to those developing prototypes to be manufactured in the least expensive global labor market.- That is what “community” means to the global capitalist..
Of the 390 or so businesses participating in the Pine Tree Development Zone Program a vast majority, more than 300 are manufacturers, that's roughly 80%. These businesses have pledged almost a billion dollars in investment and anticipated payroll of nearly $850 million and 74 hundred jobs. Mr Douglas Ray testimony before THE JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT March 19 2013
If the Expanded and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit is applied to that almost billion dollars in investment, that means that both a 1977 law blanket exempting all small business Maine investment companies from taxation and/or the Pine Tree Zone corporate well fare program assures that investors owe no taxes and the Expanded & Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit, being a "refundable tax credit" assures that the Maine taxpayers will refund those investors up to 60% of that almost billion dollar investment-
Mr Ray makes claims about manufacturing jobs created in Maine- which when one does the math works out to an average pay per year of $114864.00 - Perhaps some kinds of industrial manufacturing can be done in the United States at that rate of pay but for other types of products, the competition in the global labor market hovers at around a dollar a day-and if Mr Ray’s facts are correct- and factoring in that he stated that they are Pine Tree Zone manufacturing jobs- that means that the Maine taxpayer has to cover up to 80% of payroll tax on 7400 jobs with an average pay of $114864.00 annually - that’s a big chunk of capital coming out of the pockets of the taxpaying sector of the economy. I would call that a conflict of interest.
That money coming out of general taxpayer's pockets could be used to revitalize a middle class. The middle class is the class that separates a free society within a free enterprise system from a feudalistic society with a large gulf between the haves and the have nots.
1987 Maine Department of Economic & Community Development: Governor John R. McKernan, Jr. Charter for the DECD CORPORATION
§13051. Legislative findings
The Legislature finds that the State's economy is linked to the national and international economies. Economic changes and disruptions around the world and in the nation have a significantly impact upon the State's economy. The rise of 3rd-world and 4th-world countries as manufacturers of commodities for mass markets and the gradual evolution of the national economy to a technological, informational, specialty product-based economy have significantly more
Commentary Statement establishes a philosophy based on the rule of law by global capitalism- constructed on layers of truisms and borne out by the direction followed by Maine's corporate state governance since to present.)
"In order for the State's economy to grow and gain a solid footing, it is necessary to determine the State's assets and the economic opportunities that are or will be available to the State's enterprise, municipalities and labor force. ( emphasis mine)
Were the word "state" replaced with "Maine- it would come across with another meaning but as is it comes across in the sense of state ownership of enterprise, municipalities, and labor force- See Developing the Publicly Funded Work Force 2013)
The Legislature finds that the decentralization of economic growth and development programs among several state agencies without any coordination of programs and agencies and without coordination with the State's municipal and regional economic efforts is not in the best interest of the State. The Legislature further finds that the State's economic development programs and policies and the economies of municipalities and regions mutually affect each other. [1987, c. 534, Pt. A, §§17, 19 (NEW).] (emphasis mine)
Note that the words are "the best interest of the State- with "State" being code for "corporation". The words are not "the best interests of the people of Maine, which is the view that would be taken by an authentic state governed by a constitution such as that of Maine.
Grammatically, the word "state" is only capitalized when it follows the name of a state such as in Maine State, to capitalize the word state by itself, particuarily in a document of government, is open to interpretation, I submit only that the meaning here of capitalizing State without including the name of Maine has a meaning of its own.
Centralized management of economy fifth & sixth planks of the Ten Planks of The Communist Manifesto
1997 The DECD serves as Fiscal Agent for the Maine Development Foundation Governor Angus King
The Maine Development Foundation Corporation was chartered by the legislature in 1977 when the legislature observed, much to their dismay that the state of Maine, unlike other societies governed under a Marxist political philosophy, was not being centrally controlled by the state. To remedy this false allegiance to the United States Constitution and- Heaven Forbid ! - a free enterprise system, the lords of the Maine legislature deemed centrally managing the economy to be an brand new essential government function and assigned the authority to do so onto their dear selves and then, stepping over the offending Maine Constitution, chartered the Maine Development Foundation Corporation and assigned a board of tzars to run the state;s new corporation.. However, realizing that they were offending the rule of law of the state which had granted them their own power, the lords of the legislature passed a statute declaring that if a corporation serves state purposes, then it is not a corporation, making a complete mockery of Article IV Part Third Section 14 of the Maine Constitution.
Article IV.
Part Third.
Legislative Power.
Section 14. Corporations, formed under general laws. Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State.
The stature is called Rules for Non-profits Corporations which I wrote about here. However once I brought attention to this statute the rules were taken out of public view but are found in downloadable form at the website for secretary of state with a message that states:
Rule Chapters for the Department of the Secretary of State
Chapters available for downloading are highlighted. All chapters are in Microsoft Word format.
WARNING: While we have taken care with the accuracy of the files accessible here, they are not "official" state rules in the sense that they can be used before a court. Anyone who needs a certified copy of a rule chapter should contact the APA Office.
We also offer advice if you're having trouble trying to view these chapters. 29-250 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE
So none of this looks very promising for establishing a ceramic slip casting production in remote areas of Maine where there exists high un-employment and low incomes and a populous of rural inhabitants which in the history of Andersen ceramics have shown a natural affinity for the work we have to offer.
Even if one could jump through all the hoops established by Maine's central management bureaucracy in the end one would have a business controlled by the state. The state is progressively assigning every business function unto its self ( see in recent post where in the 2013 legislative session created yet another new government function of managing relationships between private industries !) and has now estanblished its self as union organizer in mandating what terms businesses, beneficiaries of the states gifts of redistributed taxpayer dollars, will have with their employees. Even if one had no conflict with those terms, the state can change the terms when ever the state wants, as it did with Statoil, driving that foreign investor out of Maine so the state could claim the wind industry as a state owned industry. This one act established the level UNtrustworthiness of Maine State as a business entity. If one's business is so controlled by the state, it is not a free enterprise and not existing in a free enterprise system.
Enter Crowdfunding- Crowdfunding allows a business to raise capital independently even in a state in which the concentration of capital and distribution of capital is controlled by a singular corporation masquerading as a state.
Still there is much to wonder about -Why did the town of Brunswick never compete to redevelop the navy base that occupied land formerly a part of the municipality of Brunswick when the land that could be had for a song? Why was there no competition to the state creating a municipal corporation governed by the state at the former navy base in mockery of not only the Maine constitution but general law existing in the USA? One has to wonder what goes on behind the scenes in this state.
As a rooted Maine resident the idea of being instrumental in establishing an industry compatible with the resident population of low income areas sounds like "conscious capitalism" & "social benefit" for a part of the economy that has no investment value to the corporation of Maine, but which is representative of deeply rooted Mainers....- Until one considers the reach and ever increasing power of Maine State Inc. I have to say that New Hampshire is as close as those areas of Maine and New Hampshire is still a free enterprise state- a lot safer for any business. I do not know if Maine would welcome a business unable to meet the standards of the state's targeted sector which is intended to be instrumental in delivering the high end tax base that the corporation of Maine covets. I do not trust what the corporation might do generally. I am sad to say that but I have to because it is true. But I will also say that if a true opportunity were to manifest in such locations, the opportunity to set up a ceramic slip casting production to benefit the invisible population ( or at least invisible to Maine State Inc) is worth the risk and a leap of faith! I would like to be part of a movement toward our economy becoming a whole economy for a whole people once more!
In 1976 when Governor Longley brought in the leaders of Maine Industry to advise the legislature on what bills to pass- specifically what corporations to charter, the architects of Maine's transformation were concerned about how to avoid having to register with the state as lobbyists -Read about it here:
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