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Showing posts with the label Tempus Jets

Lepage's Sudden Concern For Main Street As he Signs Unconstitutional Internet Sales Tax Law

This is a link to an article about the federal unconstitutionality of Governor Lepage's internet tax law by Brian Daugherty  describing the way it affects the income of ordinary Maine people. Why Maine’s New Internet Tax is Bad For Business Michelle Anderson from Millinocket, Maine, has been an Amazon affiliate for close to 12 years.  On Thursday she received a letter from the Amazon Associates Program explaining why she will no longer be welcome to participate and why she will be losing over 20% of her yearly income. “ We’re writing from the Amazon Associates Program to notify you that your Associates account will be closed and your Amazon Services LLC Associates Program Operating Agreement will be terminated effective October 6, 2013. This is a direct result of the unconstitutional Maine state tax collection legislation passed by the state legislature and signed by Governor LePage on June 5, 2013, with an effective date of October 9, 2013.” ...

MRRA and Tempus Jets Drain More Money From The TaxPayers Via The Pine Tree Zone.

Recently Maine's newest city state, The Midcoast Regional Development Authority , announced its latest win in the national competition among the states to procure corporate job growth via innovative systems of bribery designed to redistribute wealth created by the general public into the hands of private corporations. The prize is Tempus Jets , an aviation company servicing the needs and desires of the private jet owing community. The aviation industry is a well chosen target of the Paul Le Page administration, serving an additional goal of attracting a wealthy upper class to Maine, a class which Maine's ruling class aims to grow, as laid out in the " Creative Economy" template of professional overlord Richard Florida , the social engineering guru followed by Maine's former Governor, John Baldacci. Richard Florida designates this class as "the creative class", of which wealth is a definitive criteria. Tempus Jets was procured for Maine via Pine Tree Z...